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Should pro-life Christians stay home on election day?

Should pro-life Christians stay home on election day? Should pro-life Christians stay home on election day?

Concerned about the future of our country as a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, I have been closely following the presidential race this election season. If the polls are correct, it appears that on November 5th Trump could see a victory that is slim enough to overwhelmed (again) by untoward actions by the Left. 

It distresses me to think that many of us feel that the right course of action this November is to abstain from voting because Donald Trump will not pursue a nationwide ban against abortion. This is simply put, upside-down thinking. President Trump has already given us the miracle of overturning Roe v. Wade. To demand a nationwide abortion ban from him now would most certainly and unfortunately, in today’s culture, assure his loss. Donald Trump has done his job.

Now the onus is on “we the people.” Ordinary everyday Christians must do the hard work to change our horrifying death culture. Daunting, to be sure. We face a half-century of society’s acceptance of abortion during which young women have sadly, astonishingly, and wrongly, been indoctrinated with the cruel, abhorrent belief that they have a right to end the life of an innocent child they are carrying. “My body, my choice.” (Agreed, but that choice should be made before the bedroom…).

I could write reams about why abortion is such a heinous choice and I will. Today however our focus is on the first step in that fight. Christians must get out and vote this November to prevent the Left from retaining power. If Harris wins and gives the Left another four years in the White House, Roe v. Wade will surely be reintroduced in some form, codified and our culture war will be set back by far more than half a century.

As Christians today our job is to throw the gauntlet down and roundly say NO! Let’s be grateful for the work that Trump has already done, return him to office (The Lord has indeed blessed us with this ticket! Trump and Vance are two decisive, brilliant, talented, good Christian men in whom we can trust with these high offices). Then let us, many who have been sitting on the sidelines, make war on the abortion death culture in our homes, churches, schools, and neighborhoods.

The Lord saved Donald Trump in Butler and in West Palm Beach. Let’s do our part and get out and vote!

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Image: Jordanuh17

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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