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Hell hath no fury like a feminist witnessing a beautiful woman living her dreams

Hell hath no fury like a feminist witnessing a beautiful woman living her dreams Hell hath no fury like a feminist witnessing a beautiful woman living her dreams

This past week, Evie Magazine unveiled its latest print issue, “The New American Dream,” featuring the striking Hannah Neeleman, who is widely recognized as the face of Ballerina Farm. Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour may have become iconic for putting a supermodel in jeans, but she never dared to feature a cover girl milking a cow in a dress. 

Neeleman embodies femininity, strength, beauty, and excellence. She’s also a major cultural force that is inspiring a generation. She organically built one of the most engaged audiences on social media — 20 million across TikTok and Instagram — by simply sharing her life. She’s the co-founder and co-CEO of a thriving brand, a devoted wife, and the mother of eight children. She’s also a farmer, a pageant queen, a former Juilliard ballerina, and a talented content creator. She graciously welcomed the Evie team to her farm for a full day, allowing us to capture a glamorous, editorialized version of “a day in her life.” 


The result? A cover and editorial film that have been viewed millions of times, with nearly half a million likes on the story images alone — more than the vast majority of Vogue covers garner. 

The response was overwhelmingly positive — until, of course, the controversy began. Despite the cover having nothing to do with politics, corporate media couldn’t resist making it political. Publications such as Vanity Fair, the New York Times, and Marie Claire simultaneously created and covered the controversy. They didn’t criticize the creativity of the shoot (even they couldn’t deny its beauty). Instead, they attacked it for being propaganda. 


In a now-deleted article, a major publication slandered the cover as “Third Reich Propaganda” because, apparently, Hannah’s sin is being blonde and white. Meanwhile, the conspiracy theorists on TikTok sprang into action. One popular abortion activist went viral in a bizarre video, claiming Evie isn’t a real publication, but a sinister front for propaganda funded by “evil” billionaires such as Peter Thiel (spoiler alert: it’s not). These baseless accusations are now the subject of a pending lawsuit. 

Naturally, her followers flooded the comments, parroting her lies and invoking The Handmaid’s Tale, a cringeworthy cliché no progressive white millennial woman seems capable of resisting. An author, whose fictional book features a protagonist loosely inspired by Neeleman and is being adapted into a movie starring Anne Hathaway, chimed in, teasing a podcast episode where she promises to reveal her “research” on Evie. No doubt, this “research” will amount to the same tired falsehoods regurgitated by the now bankrupt Vice. 


Neeleman wasn’t spared either. Critics accuse her of lying about her happiness, as if her choices — to marry young, have children, and run a farm — are inherently oppressive. And of course, Evie was labeled “far-right misinformation” for reporting on topics such as the harmful effects of hormonal birth control and the COVID-19 vaccine. And yes, despite us being vindicated on these issues ad nauseam, there are still those who refuse to accept the truth because it doesn’t support their ideological bias. 

The irony is almost too rich. The same voices shouting “women supporting women” and championing “choice” are the first to slander women who make different choices. If Neeleman had risen to fame via OnlyFans or a celebrity sex tape, she’d be their feminist hero. But because she built her success by sharing her family and farm life, she’s a target. 

Neeleman has never pushed her values on anyone. She’s spoken about her own priorities — God, family, hard work — but you won’t find her preaching or even touching the subject of politics. The “tradwife” label slapped on her is as lazy as it is inaccurate. Her life and work are anything but traditional, and her success defies every stereotype the media desperately try to pin on her. 


At Evie, we celebrate multiple paths to fulfillment. Not everyone’s calling looks the same, and our mission is to empower women to embrace their femininity in ways that lead to health and happiness. Feminism was supposed to be about choice, and it is — but only until you make a choice feminists don’t like. That’s why the majority of women no longer identify as feminist. Hell hath no fury like a “feminist” witnessing a beautiful, virtuous woman living her dreams. Maybe these feminists should read Evie. They’d be a lot happier.

The uproar over this cover reveals something deeper. Beauty is not just surface-level; it’s connected to values. And values aligned with truth are inherently beautiful. For nearly a decade, we’ve endured the hideous aesthetic of the woke era — celebrated not because it inspires, but because people are afraid not to applaud. Deep down, everyone knows it’s repulsive. The Evie cover, and the controversy it sparked, is one of many signs the Era of Ugly is coming to an end, but not without a tantrum. A new era of timeless beauty is dawning, and society will be better for it.

Brittany Hugoboom is the founder of Evie, the fastest-growing women’s media brand in America. She is a former Junior Olympian medalist in Tae Kwon Do, has modeled for global brands, and is the founder of 28 Wellness.

This article was originally published at www.washingtonexaminer.com


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