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5 Ways to Level Big Tech‘s Playing Field for the Pro-Life Movement

Big Tech’s unchecked influence over public discourse has long been a cause for concern, especially for those of us in the pro-life movement.

For years, we’ve watched as social media giants and search engines subtly—and, sometimes, blatantly—silenced our message. Pregnancy help centers have had their ads rejected. Pro-life news stories have been buried by algorithms.

Google has restricted key-word research for abortion-related terms, making it harder for organizations to reach women in crisis, and platforms such as Facebook and TikTok have suppressed content that challenges the abortion industry’s narratives, creating silos of one-sided information.

This isn’t speculation. Rather, it’s a pattern—one that has tilted the digital landscape in favor of abortion advocates while making it harder for pro-life voices to be heard.

But now, change could be on the horizon.

With platforms like Facebook hinting at a course correction, we must seize this moment to demand real reform.

The Trump administration has a unique opportunity to push for policies that ensure Big Tech operates fairly—not as gatekeepers of acceptable thought, but as neutral platforms that respect the voices of all Americans.

Anything less allows the status quo of suppression and censorship to continue.

The Trump administration must act to ensure Big Tech can no longer suppress the pro-life movement. The days of hidden censorship, biased algorithms, and purposely skewed content moderation must end.

Here are five reform priorities:

1. Data Transparency: Big Tech’s content moderation decisions have long operated in a black box, making it impossible to gauge whether certain viewpoints are disproportionately targeted.

By requiring companies to release anonymized data on content removal, account suspensions, and flagging patterns, we can expose any systemic bias against pro-life content.

Publicly available reports would allow Americans to see whether these policies are being enforced fairly—or weaponized against certain groups.

2. A Fair Appeals Process: When a pro-life organization’s account is suspended or a pregnancy help center’s ad is rejected, there’s little recourse.

The appeals process needs to be transparent, accessible, and reviewed by an independent body—one that includes ethicists, legal experts, and representatives from across the ideological spectrum.

Ensuring due process would be a major step toward restoring trust in these platforms.

3. Critical Thinking Over Censorship: Misinformation policies are often wielded as a tool to suppress pro-life viewpoints, while allowing pro-abortion misinformation to go unchecked.

The failures of political fact-checkers have been well-documented, especially as their blatant bias has been exposed over the past four years. Rather than positioning themselves as arbiters of truth, platforms should empower users to critically evaluate information for themselves.

This could include voluntary fact-checking tools, transparency labels, and educational content that encourages independent assessment of sources—rather than unquestioning acceptance of Big Tech’s narrative.

4. User-Defined Content Filters: Social media algorithms already tailor content to user preferences, yet pro-life voices remain artificially suppressed.

TikTok’s precision in curating content demonstrates that users can have greater control over what they see, proving that customization is possible.

If one platform can refine content so effectively, there’s no reason others can’t follow suit. Big Tech should adopt user-defined filters that let individuals prioritize content aligned with their beliefs and interests—rather than allowing hidden algorithms to impose ideological biases and pervasive influences.

5. Google’s Double Standard on Abortion Content: Google claims to be a neutral information provider, yet it continues to restrict pro-life content while amplifying abortion-related messaging.

A key example is the suppression of key word research data in Google Ads. Pro-life organizations can no longer access search volume and cost-per-click data for relevant terms—an issue that emerged postelection.

While Google cites its “sensitive topics” policy, the lack of transparency leaves advertisers speculating: Was this an intentional shift or a broader restriction affecting all users of Google’s tools?

Google is known for quietly making adjustments without notifying advertisers, often blaming “social issues” as justification. But if it is truly committed to neutrality, it should publish clear content-moderation guidelines and ensure pro-life advocacy isn’t wrongfully categorized as “harmful” or “misleading.”

Pro-life perspectives should be visible beyond search ads, appearing in recommended content, news aggregators, and YouTube’s algorithm—just as abortion providers are.

The Path Forward: The Trump administration has a critical opportunity to hold Big Tech accountable and put an end to the suppression of pro-life voices.

This isn’t about special treatment, however. It’s about restoring fairness and ensuring that every American has equal access to information without manipulation or censorship. The power to shape public discourse should not rest in the hands of a few Silicon Valley elites.

If Big Tech is truly committed to neutrality, it must prove it—not with empty promises, but with concrete action.

Transparency, fairness, and free speech must take precedence over hidden algorithms and ideological gatekeeping.

The future of open discourse depends on it, and the integrity of our nation demands it.

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

This article was originally published at www.dailysignal.com


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