Once upon a time, achieving fairness in amateur sports was easier.
Before 2003, it was stress-free because men competed with men and women competed with women. In 2003, however, the LGBTQ activists clamored for faux women to be able to compete with women. A faux woman is a person who was born male but has chosen to “identify” as a female.
When faux women were allowed to compete with women, many problems followed. Women, understandably, objected to sharing shower and changing facilities with faux women because of concerns of modesty and safety.
Additionally, the physique and strength of faux women gave them undeniable physical advantages over women, allowing them to win contests at an alarming rate. Women are competitive and resented losing to men masquerading as women. Many young women use sports as a means of fully or partially financing their college educations. Faux women competing against women harms the chances of women to get full or partial scholarships in sports.
Grok” height=”412″ src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/ky/kyxwpmzvvnot4rkmcwth_640.jpg” width=”550″ />
Image by Grok.
I have an idea to return fairness to this mess caused by the usual suspects. Let men compete with men. Let women compete with women. Finally, let faux women compete with faux women. This will necessitate three different shower/changing facilities, but that inconvenience is better than allowing faux women to compete with women.
Faux women will oppose my plan because of their closet misogyny. They cannot compete at the highest level with men. But with women, they can rule the day. They like humiliating women with their power, shocking women with their male private parts, and drawing attention to themselves. If they were given their own category, they would lose the attention, platform, and boat-rocking reputation they adore.
As a guy, I cannot fully appreciate how far women have come in getting equal rights. Those rights must be protected.
Those supporting faux women competing with women are on the wrong side of history. President Trump was right to campaign on this issue. He kept his promise to women by signing an executive order barring faux women from competing with women.
Every Democrat senator in the Washington opposed a bill barring faux women from competing with women last week. A recent poll by NYT/Ipsos indicates the Democrat senators need to recalibrate quickly. 79% of the public opposes faux women competing with women. Democrat voters oppose it by 67%. Independent voters oppose it by 64% and Republican voters oppose it by 94%.
Democrat office holders do not want to challenge the LGBTQ or HRC constituency. They know how aggressive and organized the usual suspects are. Even with that, there are signs that common sense is seeping into DNC world. As I said, 67% of DNC voters are showing common sense on this issue. Even Governor Newsom admitted faux women competing with women is unfair.
Ned Cosby, a frequent contributor to American Thinker, is a former pastor, veteran Coast Guard officer, and a retired English high school teacher. His novel OUTCRY is a love story exposing the refusal of Christian leaders to report and discipline clergy who sexually abuse our young people. This work of fiction addresses crimes that are all too real. Cosby has also written RECOLLECTIONS FROM MY FATHER’S HOUSE, tracing his own odyssey from 1954 to the present. For more info, visit Ned Cosby.
This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com