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‘Cleaning Up Kamala’ | WATCH NOW

‘Cleaning Up Kamala’ | WATCH NOW ‘Cleaning Up Kamala’ | WATCH NOW

A couple months ago, everyone agreed: Kamala Harris was the worst VP in U.S. history. Yet that all changed the moment Joe Biden bowed out of the race. Suddenly, Harris became the most beloved politician in America.

How did we get here?

How did America suddenly forget all of Harris’ failures and radicalism? How is she now tied or leading in the polls?


The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Cleaning Up Kamala,” shows that one doesn’t just become a warm, joyful “Momala” overnight. It takes a whole billion-dollar media effort.

“Cleaning Up Kamala” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.

“Cleaning Up Kamala” takes on the corrupt corporate media establishment that built a new presidential candidate, their candidate, out of whole cloth. The Daily Caller’s investigative team sat down with a host of Washington insiders to figure out just how they pulled it off.

In the words of Tucker Carlson, Harris is “purely a media creation.”

All we have to do is look back a few short months to real Kamala, before the media declared her Savior of the Republic. This Kamala had failed miserably in her role of “border czar.” She was wildly unlikable, both with staffers who fled her reign of terror and the American people who gave her a record low approval rating. Her frequent gaffes and awkward word salads were so bad that even outlets like The New York Times had to admit she’s just not very good at this. Less than a year ago, politicos were calling for Biden to drop Harris and pick a new and improved veep.

And then there was all the California radicalism. As a Senator, Harris supported out-of-touch policies like the Green New Deal and Defund the Police that alienated average people. She ran into a buzz saw with high profile fumbles like supporting the “Minnesota Freedom Fund,” pledging to abolish private healthcare and giving taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries to illegal immigrants. This was enough to earn her the title of “second most liberal” senator in America, but that didn’t mean the far-left supported her. No, because she once served as California’s Attorney General, they still called her a “cop.”

It’s no wonder Americans left, right and center wanted nothing to do with her and she flamed out early in the 2020 Democratic primaries. She couldn’t even win her home state.

So the media had their work cut out for them when she ascended to the top of the 2024 ticket. First, they had to convince the American people that everything they saw and understood about Harris these past four years was a lie. Then, they had to manufacture and sell an entirely new “truth.” Yet so far, they’ve been succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

Media lies are a whole different animal than the little white lies we all tell in our daily lives. These sweeping lies — that Harris is competent, likable and moderate — work by using “semantic backdoors” to piece together technical truths into broad, false narratives that often invert reality entirely.

They’ll fact-check something Donald Trump never said about Harris in order to call him a liar. Or they’ll contort Harris’ own words to make it seem as though she stands for the opposite of what she actually said. They’ll play with tenses and selectively edit context, all to support a new “truth.” The media, fact-checkers, government groups and even the dictionary — they’re all in on it!

The result is a hall of mirrors, where endless lies get laundered through these legacy institutions over and over until they become simply “common sense.” Speak the truth — that Kamala Harris is shrill, incompetent and dangerously radical — and you’re the one who comes away sounding like a liar. Yet by carefully deconstructing each and every micro-lie, the Daily Caller’s investigative team shows just how precarious this new consensus on Kamala Harris really is.

With hilarious commentary and insightful interviews, “Cleaning Up Kamala” takes a sledgehammer to this hall of mirrors. Watch now to see it all come crashing down.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Cleaning Up Kamala” and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com

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