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Arabella Advisors funds black ‘solidarity’ site

Arabella Advisors funds black 'solidarity' site Arabella Advisors funds black 'solidarity' site

The sole funder of a website “inspired by the courageous black Communists in Alabama” in the 1930s and 1940s and platforming pro-Hamas talking points is a key cog in the largest Democratic dark money network in the United States, documents show.

Last year, on the heels of Hamas terrorists attacking Israel on Oct. 7 and killing 1,200 people, a little-known magazine called Hammer & Hope worked to amplify terrorist-aligned voices on its website and on social media, appearing to downplay the massacre. Hammer & Hope declared its endorsement of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel — a group the Washington Examiner reported in 2023 was removed from the fundraising platform ActBlue and is tied to a charity sponsoring a since-sanctioned terrorist fundraiser.

On its face, Hammer & Hope appears to be a relatively grassroots website embracing left-wing dogma with a lean staff of progressive writers. In actuality, the website is closely connected to the national political landscape — receiving its funding from a group managed by Arabella Advisors, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., overseeing a shadowy network of nonprofit groups shaping the Democratic Party’s agenda.

All of Hammer & Hope’s funding in fiscal 2023, $150,000, came from the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit group in the Arabella umbrella that doles out hundreds of millions of dollars each year for left-leaning causes, according to tax forms reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

In the preceding fiscal 2022, Hammer & Hope raked in $1.5 million from the New Venture Fund through a registered nonprofit group for its publisher in New York called the Black Radical Project. Hammer & Hope‘s publisher was incubated at the New Venture Fund as a project, allowing it to be routed a $750,000 check from the Ford Foundation, a top grantmaker aligned with Democrats, through the Arabella-managed entity, financial disclosures show.

Arabella’s ties to Hammer & Hope, which calls itself “a project rooted in the power of solidarity,” illustrate how the top dark money network maintains allies in the anti-Israel orbit as it attempts to distance itself from other groups. In 2023, the New Venture Fund and another Arabella-managed group announced they would discontinue grants to Alliance for Global Justice, an Arizona-based group that has long sponsored a fundraiser for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist faction.

Alliance for Global Justice, however, wears many hats. The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, the anti-Israel group that Hammer & Hope endorsed, was revealed by the Washington Examiner last year to be housed under the Arizona-based group. In turn, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is behind the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against the Jewish state.

Hammer & Hope, which did not respond to a request for comment, has aligned itself through social media amplification with the People’s Forum, a Hamas-sympathetic group helping to shape violent anti-Israel protests that published a book by a longtime Palestinian terrorist faction member. In a recent story on its website, Hammer & Hope collaborated for a lengthy interview piece with Palestinian Youth Movement organizer Mohammed Nabulsi — who has called for “intifada violence” against Israel as well as urged the public to “support” Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad over their “commitment to anti-colonial struggle.”

One Hammer & Hope article earlier this year bemoaned terrorist designations by the United States against Hamas and other groups as unjust efforts “to delegitimize Palestinian resistance,” arguing that “Palestinian aspirations” are unfairly characterized as “a death wish against the Jewish people.” Another piece, authored by Marxist activist Angela Davis, focused on “the Palestine solidarity movement” and pitted full blame on Israel for the Middle East conflict that escalated because of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

“Once again, I have to wonder how an organization that states its mission is to destroy capitalism and replace it with communism and that references the 2020 Black Lives Matter/antifa insurrection as its lodestar can qualify for 501(c)(3) status,” said Marc Greendorfer, a terrorism financing analyst and attorney at Zachor Legal Institute, which investigates anti-Israel nonprofit groups. His think tank sent a memo to Congress last year that said terrorist sympathizers exploit the U.S. nonprofit system in unlawful ways.

To Reed Rubinstein, senior vice president at the conservative America First Legal nonprofit organization, groups like Hammer & Hope are part of an extreme movement opposing Western civilization as a whole.

“It’s absolutely not a coincidence that you see this convergence between the hardcore Left and hardcore Islamists,” said Rubinstein, an attorney who worked at various agencies during the first Trump administration, including as a senior Treasury Department adviser.


“They are united in their hatred of Jews and deep animosity to Western civilization,” Rubinstein told the Washington Examiner.

The New Venture Fund did not respond to a request for comment.

This article was originally published at www.washingtonexaminer.com


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