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Arizona Cardinals Apologizes To Fan Who Was Forced To Throw Out MAGA Hat

Arizona Cardinals Apologizes To Fan Who Was Forced To Throw Out MAGA Hat Arizona Cardinals Apologizes To Fan Who Was Forced To Throw Out MAGA Hat

An Arizona Cardinals fan was asked to remove her “Make America Great Again” hat at State Farm Stadium on Sunday, sparking an apology from the team, News 12 reported.

Susan Rosener, a longtime fan and season ticket holder, was heading to her seat to watch the Cardinals take on the Los Angeles Rams when a security staff member told her she couldn’t wear the MAGA hat, according to News 12. Rosener stated that the staffer informed her that “political hats or shirts” were prohibited in the stadium.

“She’s like, ‘No political hats or shirts.’ And I said, ‘I haven’t heard that at all.’ And I said, ‘That doesn’t make sense to me.’ And she goes, ‘I said, Take your hat off,’” Rosener said. Despite her confusion, Rosener complied with the request, though she later expressed regret about not questioning the directive further. “In retrospect, I wish I would have stood my ground,” she told the outlet.

The Arizona Cardinals swiftly addressed the incident, calling it a misunderstanding. In a statement to Fox News Digital, the team clarified that the stadium’s policies regarding political signage or displays did not apply to personal clothing like Rosener’s hat. “Moving forward, we will work to provide clarity to all stadium personnel,” the statement said, adding that they had apologized to Rosener directly.

Following the incident, Turning Point Action Field Rep. VP Alyssa Goncales posted on X (formerly Twitter) claiming other attendees had similar experiences. The Cardinals, however, stated they had only heard from one individual and reiterated that this incident was not consistent with their long standing policies.

Despite the team’s quick apology, the event has drawn attention, with some supporters of the MAGA movement calling for fans to wear MAGA hats at future games, according to Fox News.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com

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