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Biden leaves spies for Trump to ferret out

Biden leaves spies for Trump to ferret out Biden leaves spies for Trump to ferret out

It was Ann Coulter that helped rehabilitate Senator Joseph McCarthy. Among others, she proved McCarthy was right: our government really was shot through with communist spies and sympathizing useful idiots. They were particularly thick and effective in the State Department. As Coulter so well explained, they were effective, then and now, because Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) have always been their protectors, sympathizers and fellow travelers.

Fast forward to 2023 and the October 7 massacre in Israel:  

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Graphic: X Screenshot

The Biden administration’s former special envoy to Iran, who was placed on leave earlier this year for allegedly mishandling classified material, should face “extensive scrutiny” for his “permissive” stance toward the Tehran regime after it aided Hamas and Hezbollah in carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel, critics said Monday.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) argued for “extensive scrutiny,” for Malley, who allegedly gave classified information to Iran. 

“These reports could not be more concerning, and they hint at what could be the worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss,” Issa added.

It will surprise no one to learn that if the Harris/Biden Maladministration investigated Malley’s apparent betrayal of America, or in any way punished Malley, that information remains as secret as the information Malley is alleged to have given to the world’s primary terror state. That Biden’s handlers would not want their support of Iran, Hamas and other terrorists exposed might explain their stealthing of Malley. Equally concerning was Malley was allowed accessed to classified materials even after he was suspended. We have no way of knowing if that access, or his security clearance, have been revoked. He may, for all we know, still be funneling secrets to Iran.

Hopefully, the Trump Administration will properly investigate Malley, but as with Joseph McCarthy, there is far more to do. The State Department has long been known as a nest of anti-American subversion. It appears, thanks to Biden’s handlers, the Pentagon is also compromised:

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Graphic: YouTube Screenshot

Ariane Tabatabai is now a deputy assistant secretary of defense within Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s office, where she will lead its force education and training division. Tabatabai, according to Politico, was offered the promotion last month. She previously served as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict.

Tabatabai’s promotion came in October of 2024 after she was outed in 2023 as a member of the “Iran Experts Initiative.” Her expertise was apparently in fomenting pro-Iran propaganda and even potentially being involved in leaks of US intelligence on Israel’s planns for strikes on terrorists.

News of Tabatabai’s affiliation with the Iran Experts Initiative sparked multiple congressional investigations, with Republicans raising concerns about Tabatabai’s ability to obtain a top-secret security clearance. The Pentagon and State Department, where Tabatabai formerly worked, have vocally defended her, saying there was nothing in her background that would have disqualified her from accessing classified information.

The Pentagon and State Department claimed Tabatabai had been vetted as part of her initial DOD employment, and refused to revoke her security clearance. What was left unsaid was what, if any, investigation was done to determine whether she’d betrayed America since going to work for the DOD. Biden’s handlers didn’t think we’d notice or they just didn’t care. How could they possibly lose to Donald Trump? With the Biden imperative to defend its anti-Israel, anti-America and pro-Iran and Hamas policies, that’s unsurprising, particularly if Tabatabai was serving as a useful information conduit to Iran from her Pentagon perch.

The only sane way to deal with people with security clearances under suspicion of betraying America is to immediately suspend them and revoke their clearances until a complete and competent investigation has been done. If they’re cleared, their clearances can be reinstated. If not, American security has been properly protected and at least their breach of national security has been contained.

It’s always possible a competent FBI and/or CIA might leave a mole in place, the better to identify and roll up other enemy agents and American collaborators. They might even be used to feed actual misinformation to our enemies. However, what’s the probability of that with Biden’s handlers in charge? They weaponized the FBI, CIA, DOJ and the rest of the federal government against loyal Americans who dared question D/s/c policy. Would a government more concerned with parents expressing concern at school board meetings over the sexual and political indoctrination of their children or Catholics who appreciate the Latin Mass than American’s actual enemies do anything other than fully support Biden Administration anti-American policy?

Perhaps Tabatabai and Malley are loyal American servants, but what little has been reported in the press surely suggests substantial cause for concern that they are not. 

Yet one more essential task of thousands for the new Trump Administration.

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Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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