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California Democrats to waste millions of dollars on illegal immigrant nonprofit complex
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California Democrats to waste millions of dollars on illegal immigrant nonprofit complex

California Democrats to waste millions of dollars on illegal immigrant nonprofit complex California Democrats to waste millions of dollars on illegal immigrant nonprofit complex

California is devoting its governance over the next four years to serving illegal immigrants above all else and, in keeping with California tradition, doing so in the most incompetent and wasteful way possible.

Since Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, California has shifted its political focus entirely toward illegal immigrants. Attorney General Rob Bonta even said he had been thinking about illegal immigrants “for months” before the election. We now know that California Democrats are working on the “creation of an Immigrant Support Network comprised of regional ‘hubs’ to connect at-risk individuals, their families, and communities with community systems — such as legal services, schools, labor unions, local governments, etc.”

In other words, the California Democratic Party is going to dedicate taxpayer money to creating an illegal immigrant “support network” to entrench illegal immigrants in schools, in labor unions (i.e., Democratic political advocacy groups), and in the legal system, which would presumably include the state helping them fight deportation at every step of the way. San Diego Democrats have already indicated they want to protect all illegal immigrants from deportation, even ones who commit violent crimes, and California, as a “sanctuary state,” will most likely be following suit.

California will likely be following suit because, according to Politico, the draft of the project details that California “would distribute state funds to eligible nonprofits and take on administrative duties for the hubs.” California would be outsourcing this project to liberal nonprofit groups whose incentive to appeal to donors would be to resist the Trump administration and not stand down on a single deportation case.

If that is not all bad enough, the reality is that this will almost certainly be another boondoggle in which taxpayer money is lost and wasted, because that is what California’s strategy of making nonprofit organizations unofficial state departments has brought throughout the state. This has been most prevalent in California’s homelessness spending, in which the state spent some $13.7 billion since 2021 and never even tracked whether that money was being spent effectively. California Democrats took a hands-off approach and let nonprofit groups steer the wheel, resulting in the state claiming it got scammed by nonprofit groups whose operations were similar to Ponzi schemes.


San Francisco has had the same government-by-nonprofit-group strategy on drug addiction, spending $1.4 billion each year of taxpayer money on funding nonprofit groups and only recently deciding that city contracts with these groups should include measurable goals. In the meantime, the nonprofit groups created “safe” drug consumption facilities that let drug addicts use more frequently and more publicly than ever before, endangering the communities around these facilities.

California is going to devote millions of dollars every year to fighting deportations just for liberal nonprofit groups to waste that money, as we have already seen in homelessness and drug treatment spending. It is a perfect combination of misplaced priorities, laziness, and incompetence that will once again waste more money taken by California Democrats from taxpayers who will again be handing over their hard-earned money in exchange for nothing of benefit to them.

This article was originally published at www.washingtonexaminer.com


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