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A Florida senator has filed legislation that would prevent illegal aliens from receiving in-state college tuition.

On Monday, Randy Fine introduced S.B. 90, which would repeal a 2014 state law that enables illegal immigrants to be eligible for in-state rates.

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“President Trump has made clear it is time to close the border and stop giving illegal immigrants rewards for breaking the law,” Fine writes in a press release posted to X. “While blue-collar Floridians are struggling to make ends meet, it is not fair to require them to pay $45 million a year to subsidize sweetheart deals for college degrees to those who should not even be here.”

Illegal aliens who receive in-state tuition amounts to an annual loss of $45 million for Florida, the press release states. The senator’s post also says that the average cost of in-state tuition is approximately $6,100, while schools like the University of Florida charge over $30,000 to out-of-state students.

”This is a no-brainer way to reduce the size of government and free up resources to help Floridians in need,” Fine continues. “We must put Floridians first, and I am proud to do my part to rebalance the scales for our citizens.”

Florida has the third largest total of illegal immigrant college students at over 43,000, according to the Higher Ed Immigration Portal.

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”SB 90 would not modify the admission policies of Florida’s state colleges and universities,” Fine’s press release adds, “it would simply eliminate the subsidized rate that was written into state law in 2014.”

While Republican-led states like Florida have worked to deter illegal immigration, states like Massachusetts have passed measures that allow illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition and even free tuition at community colleges.

This article was originally published at campusreform.org


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