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Democracy: the self-imagined elite don’t understand

Democracy: the self-imagined elite don't understand Democracy: the self-imagined elite don't understand

It has been obvious for a long, long time that Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) reflexively engage in projection. Whatever they accuse Normal Americans of doing, or intending to do, they’re doing themselves, or planning to do if only they can seize ultimate power. At Powerline, John Hinderaker provides a contemporary example. It’s not only projection, but a prime example of how D/s/cs warp the language on the general and often correct theory that whoever defines the terms of the debate wins the debate.

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The Washington Examiner quotes Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard’s Kennedy School Institute of Politics and a loyal Democrat, on what the Democrats need to do to try to regain power. Much of what Volpe says is sensible, but I want to focus on just one point: his identification of the Democratic Party with democracy. 

You see it all the time. Loss of faith in the Democratic Party equals loss of faith in democracy, attacks on the Democratic Party equal attacks on democracy, and so on. Volpe writes:

Millions of Americans aren’t shifting right — they’re walking away. They’re abandoning a Democratic Party and democratic system they believe abandoned them first. This isn’t realignment — it’s abandonment.                                                     

As Hinderaker notes, the 2024 election saw arguably the second largest turnout in history. He’s referring to the 2020 contest where Joe Biden, by hiding in his basement and holding a few events where the press outnumbered his supporters, won some 81 million votes, around six million of which magically disappeared in 2024.

If Democracy amounts to the ability of citizens to vote, and to keep their votes undiluted by fraud, 2024 was something of a mixed accomplishment. Without doubt, Americans voted against open borders, rampant inflation, foreign policy incoherence and neglect risking WWIII, governmental corruption and authoritarianism, and for the certainty of a POTUS actually in charge and accountable to the people. They also voted against the entire DEI/CRT/Woke establishment, not knowing what a woman is and the weaponization of our vital institutions. They voted for competence, merit, keeping penises out of women’s spaces and sports, supporting our allies and restoring a military capable of deterring our enemies and destroying them if they’re stupid enough to mess with America when a real POTUS is in charge.

To be sure, there was election fraud and we just might find out who did it, where and how much in the months to come. So many Americans voted for our representative republic Trump overcame the margin of fraud. The RNC, co-chaired by Lara Trump, can be thanked for that, but had Americans not decided to restore the republic in record numbers in all demographics, 2024 might have been a mirror image of 2020.

As I’ve often noted, D/s/cs think they’re superior beings. Intellectually and morally above Normal Americans. Their ideas and policies are infallible, non-falsifiable. The self-imagined elite (SIE) cannot possibly be wrong, nor can their policies fail, and nothing can convince them otherwise, even an election in which they lost the electoral college and the popular vote. Haven’t heard much since November 5 about deciding presidential races on the popular vote, have you?

Have the SIE been able to understand why they failed so decisively this year? Apart from the disasters that were Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, that is? Of course not!

They spectacularly failed, but they can’t possibly fail, so it was someone else’s fault, like the racists and sexists, and Nazis, and Jews, and domestic terrorists and insurrectionists (aren’t all of those already in jail post-J6?), and MAGA and TRUMP! Always TRUMP! To D/s/cs, the only true evil is refusal to obey and praise them, to recognize the glory and necessity not of the republic, but “our democracy,” their 2024 version of pseudo-democracy whose central tenet is perpetual D/s/c, one-party, rule, an actual tyranny of the majority in which the Party absolutely rules, the minority has no rights, nor do individual Americans, only the privileges the Party’s transient whims decide to allow them. Should they allow the Constitution to exist, it will only be, as it was in the old Soviet Union, a sham.

Volpe is projecting but also warping words, building a D/s/c narrative. Volpe is right: “our democracy” can only survive if all Americans vote for it and do whatever the D/s/c Party demands. Our republican form of government is outlined in Article IV Section 4, and the Constitution guarantees individual and state’s rights. America is a representative republic, not at all “our democracy,” which is why D/s/cs avoid saying “representative republic” like vampires avoid sunlight

Volpe is absolutely right about Americans abandoning the D/s/c Party and the “our democracy” for which it stands. They want the representative republic the Founders prepared for us.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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