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Democrat racism – American Thinker

Democrat racism - American Thinker Democrat racism - American Thinker

As the 2024 election nears and Harris sees polls indicating that her support among Black Americans and other minorities is eroding, she has resorted to the most blatant form of pandering.

What else could explain her desperate 11th-hour offer of various freebies to blacks? Is she not mindful of the constitutional issues raised by such racially defined and discriminatory offers, or the implicit insult to the intelligence of black Americans?

Given such desperation, it is a good time to remind all voters of how consistently through history Democrats have not only failed to help, but have actually hurt Bback Americans.

In the antebellum era, it was Southern Democrats who tried to hold onto slavery as long as possible with suppressive measures.

It was Republicans who were the abolitionists.

It was a Republican President who conducted the war to free slaves and issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

After the Civil War, it was Democrats who imposed Jim Crow, in an attempt to counter Republican-led Reconstruction.

Democrats were the members of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK).

The most racist President in American history, Woodrow Wilson, was a Democrat.

After Brown v. Board of Education was decided, it was Democrats who fought desegregation, including Joe Biden, who declared white children should not be forced into “jungle” schools. The same Joe Biden also lauded the former high-ranking KKK official, Robert Byrd, a fellow Democrat senator.

It was Republicans who made sure the federal voting and civil rights legislation of the 1960s was passed over the objections of many Democrats.

It was two Democratic Presidents (JFK and LBJ) who led us into the Vietnam War, which had such a disparate negative impact on African Americans.

It is Democrats who have tried to keep blacks generationally dependent on government, as for example, pursuing policies encouraging fatherless households.

It was Joe Biden who insulted all black Americans in 2020 by declaring that if they did not vote for him, then “you ain’t black,” as if blacks do not have the capacity to make up their own minds.

President Obama promised to put historic black colleges (HBCs) on a more solid footing by  longer-term federal financing instead of less predictable annual appropriations. He did not do it, but President Trump did.

It is Democrats that led the “defund the police” movement which left minority neighborhoods less protected, while at the same time promoting bail-free policies returning violent criminals to the streets.

Closing schools during the pandemic had a disparate impact against minorities, and such closings were pushed more by Democrats than Republicans.

Each of the above racist policies are well documented, to the point they can no longer be hidden or denied.

Two very powerful but less obvious policy choices pursued by Democrats are also profoundly racist in their disparate impact on minorities, both of which are countered by Trump. There are two major connected avenues to escape generational imprisonment in city ghettos: education and a good job. Democrats have thwarted progress in both areas.

As to education, they have fought relentlessly against school choice, which a solid majority of minorities want.

As to jobs, they have promoted two policies which disproportionately hurt minorities. They have opened the border to a massive influx of illegal immigrants, who disparately take the jobs and reduce the wages of minorities. And they have also pursued trade policies designed to send U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas, with the same detrimental and disproportionate effects. Trump in 2016 campaigned vigorously against these practices, and has consistently opposed them ever since.

It is thus no wonder that black Americans and other minorities are moving away from Democrats, and why Harris has resorted to such blatant, insulting, and often illegal pandering.

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Image: Library of Congress

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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