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Dinesh D’Souza’s newest movie is another winner

Dinesh D’Souza’s newest movie is another winner Dinesh D’Souza’s newest movie is another winner

Dinesh D’Souza is an outstanding conservative communicator in both books and movies. He’s done it again with his most recent movie, Vindicating Trump.

In 2011, D’Souza wrote the best-selling The Roots of Obama’s Rage about Obama’s Marxist past. He followed this in 2016 with another bestseller, Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream, which became a successful film. Both the book and film focus on how Obama’s policies had deconstructed America.

In 2023, D’Souza produced Police State, a film describing the consequences of the increasing tyranny of the federal government, everything from censorship to persecuting political opponents to stealing elections. In addition to commentators such as Dan Bongino and Nick Searcy speaking about the increasing pressure on American liberties, a lengthy segment discusses election theft using ballot and vote nullification, ballot fraud, ballot harvesting, and computer “adjustments” to vote counts.

YouTube” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/rm/rmeptgswypfq6pefohvc_640.jpg” width=”550″ />

Image: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

The clear message is that the Democrats are past masters at all the tricks and desperate to defeat Trump. That segment was the most troublesome to watch. Viewers learn that empty ballots can be purchased even by phone or on the internet and matched to names of people who are dead or disabled, have never voted, or are nonresidents, multi-state residents, overseas voters, or college students.

Now, D’Souza is back with his new film, Vindicating Trump, which is intended to remind the audience why Donald J. Trump is a unique phenomenon, why he benefits American politics, and how he protects and defends traditional American values. It also shows how the left has subjected him to an unprecedented number of malignant attacks. Despite the volume and venom of those attacks, he never gives up.

Vindicating Trump covers multiple instances of Democrats trying to bury Trump and his supporters. Despite this, he continues to work to get America out of the Democrat-made domestic and foreign mess America faces. The movie highlights how he wants the best for America and Americans. We see Trump’s vision, which is that this is not America’s twilight but that there are, instead, good times ahead.

Donald J. Trump has proved his mettle and courage. His energy and vision are limitless and invaluable. His past presidency shows that he is a superb executive who never gives up on what’s best for living and future generations. If you watch Vindicating Trump, you’ll understand why he must win next week. If he doesn’t, the country will be saddled with the mediocrity and cruelty of socialism. It is Orwell’s vision, with a boot on the face of humanity…forever.

John Dale Dunn is a retired emergency and corrections physician and an attorney and consultant in medicolegal matters.

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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