“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, his son revealed on the “Unashamed with the Robertson Family” podcast Friday.
The 78-year-old’s diagnosis comes amid his battle with a blood disorder, Robertson’s son, Jase, revealed on the podcast’s Friday episode, titled “Phil’s Diagnosis.”
“Phil’s not doing well,” Jase, 55, began. “According to the doctors, they’re sure that he has some sort of blood disease that’s causing all kinds of problems.”
Robertson’s other son, Alan, revealed Phil’s been battling this for “a few years,” but he has not improved. (RELATED: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson Says Stop Canceling Everyone, Defends Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Rogan Right To Talk).
“It’s causing problems with his entire body and he has early stages of Alzheimer’s so if you put those things together, he’s just not doing well. He’s really struggling,” Jase continued.
The Robertsons’ podcast focuses on the family being “unashamed of their Christian faith” as they work to spread the Gospel to their listeners. Phil works alongside his sons on the podcast; Jase revealed Phil wants to return to work despite his health issues.
“I’m like, ‘Phil, you can barely walk around without you know, crying out in pain,’ and I was, like, ‘You know, your memory is not what it once was,’” Jase said.
The sons said they’ve worked with a team of doctors to run tests on their father but ultimately agreed “there’s no curing what he has.” The family is working to keep the duck hunter as comfortable as possible.
Jase revealed Phil did join them on the opening day of duck season in November, which caused him to notice how much his father’s condition was worsening.
“But my dad did not fire his weapon nor did he say much,” Jase explained.
“After the hunt, he said, ‘Jase, I was miserable,’” Jase said. “He was just hurting and he couldn’t do anything. He just said, ‘Y’all don’t call me, I’ll call you when I’m ready to go back.’”
“If he’s unable to go duck hunting, that pretty much tells you all you need to know,” he continued.
In 1973, Phil created his hunting company, Duck Commander, according to the New York Post. The Robertsons later starred in the show “Duck Dynasty” on A&E from 2012 to 2017.
This article was originally published at dailycaller.com