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It has been a privilege to serve in the House of Representatives

It has been a privilege to serve in the House of Representatives It has been a privilege to serve in the House of Representatives

It is hard to believe that my time in Congress is concluding. As I look back on my time in the House of  Representatives, and the rest of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the journey that led me to this point. I had the once-in-a-lifetime chance to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District in one of the most consequential periods in our nation’s history. That reality will never be lost on me.

I didn’t always have this success in my life. Over 30 years ago, I left an abusive husband and became a single mom with a young daughter. At times, I had no money and no place to live. I never would have dreamed in a million years that I would someday become a member of Congress and the voice for thousands of men, women, and children in the halls of our nation’s Capitol, where so many American icons have walked.  


Yet, God has been so good to me. I remarried, had two more children, and now have six grandchildren. My family means the world to me. 

My journey into public service began many years ago when I started volunteering in my children’s school. I realized there, in those classrooms filled with impressionable minds, that to effect change and to ensure that the next generation receives the best-possible education, parents such as myself need to run for office to make a difference in our communities. I ran for school board and lost, but the lessons I learned from this experience motivated me to stay in the game. Too much was at stake for my family and in my state, and I would not give up. 


Two years later, I ran for the Arizona Legislature and won. I served nine years in the Arizona state House and Senate and loved serving the people in the Phoenix West Valley. I became the Senate president pro tempore, following in the footsteps of the late great U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who also served in Arizona Senate leadership. I led on many key issues for the future of our state, including school choice, pension reform, the right to life, border security, and economic prosperity. 

I had no immediate plans to run for higher office, but life often throws unexpected curveballs that change one’s calculations. In December 2017, my congressman unexpectedly resigned. After much prayer and conversation with my family, I decided to run for office, and I beat 11 candidates in the contested primary election. Now here I am, having served more than six years in Congress. Who would have thought I’d be where I am today in Washington, D.C., when over 30 years ago I was just struggling to get by. Only in America could this happen to any man, woman, or child. 


Every day in this job has been an immense privilege. When I drive up to the Capitol, I reflect on all the men and women who have walked these halls, debated our nation’s most important laws, and made decisions that have affected generations of Americans. Being a representative of the people is a great privilege I will never take for granted. 

Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked hard to represent the desires of my district and to give a voice to my constituents. I have served on several committees in this body, including Judiciary, Homeland Security, Rules, and Science, Space, and Technology. I was the ranking member on a Homeland Security subcommittee, and I have had the privilege of serving recently on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Over my tenure, I’ve had multiple bills signed into law and more that have passed out of the House.  

I’m especially grateful to have had the opportunity to serve on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee, where I have advocated for consumer-focused energy policies that provide freedom and prosperity to countless Americans. I will always fight for the freedoms and liberties that have made this nation great, and Republicans have done that, and more, in this committee.  


I have always been committed to carrying out our founders’ vision for representation in my service to my constituents. Since my time in the Arizona Legislature and throughout my tenure in Congress, I have listened to all who have a comment, a grievance, or praise for me. I visit many businesses and events of all industries and purposes. I respond to those who take the time to write and call me. I communicate my positions on votes and current events in a reasonable manner and tone.

I strive to conduct myself honorably and in accordance with the desires of my district, and I will continue as long as I am in office. I will carry with me the memories of my service in the House as long as I live. I appreciate all who have helped me to this point, and I will always be proud to be the U.S. congresswoman from Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. May God continue to bless our great nation.

Debbie Lesko represents Arizona’s 8th Congressional District in the House of Representatives.

This article was originally published at www.washingtonexaminer.com


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