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John Kirby: living in Hamas’ reality?

John Kirby: living in Hamas' reality? John Kirby: living in Hamas' reality?

Happily endorsing Kamala Harris, 741 former “military and national security officials” have exposed their hindquarters and loyalties. Among them were some of the same class that lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling it Russian disinformation.  We now know it was Antony Blinken who pushed that lie, and a whole of government and media effort sold it, throwing the election to Joe Biden and covering the Biden Crime Family’s betrayal of America. Among the current “officials” are retired general officers. As with the Russian disinformationists, some among the 741—we’ll never know who—are surely actively working for the CIA in one capacity or another.

Considering the damage Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have inflicted on our armed forces, one wonders what’s wrong with those military officers? Are they DEI true believers in the terminal stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome? Or are some of them promised positions in a Harris/Walz Administration? Is their loyalty to America sold so cheaply? Leading the “what’s wrong with that guy?” pack is current Harris/Biden spokesflack, former Rear Admiral John Kirby.

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Anyone paying attention knows the Harris/Biden Administration has, for years, hectored Israel to surrender to Hamas, to stop killing the Islamist demons sworn to slaughter every Jew and every Infidel (that’s us), and to give Hamas its own state. Yet that “cease-fire/give Hamas whatever it wants” deal has remained elusive. Time after time we’ve been told the deal was imminent,“no really, this time we mean it, any minute now, not a joke!” And every time, Hamas pulled the football at the last minute as Blinken ended up flat on his back yet again.

Who could have imagined genocidal Islamist barbarians like Hamas, Hezbollah and the rest, Iranian puppets all, don’t want a “two-state” solution because they’re dedicated to the slaughter of Israel and the seizure of its land? Who could have imagined terrorist who have never negotiated in good faith, who constantly do everything they can to kill Jews and hostages, even as they’re supposedly negotiating, wouldn’t negotiate in good faith? Who could have imagined monsters like Hamas, who have violated every cease-fire agreement they’ve ever made—they did it again when they slaughtered 1200 Jews on October 7, 2023—would, this time, be honest and respectful of innocent life? Who could be that stupid?

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Apart from Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and of course, John Kirby, I mean

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos recently asked Kirby about the status of the cease fire talks:

“I would say that we are not achieving any progress here in the last week to two weeks; not for lack of trying. But it doesn’t appear like Mr. Sinwar is prepared at all to keep negotiating in good faith, especially after he murdered six hostages in a tunnel … execution-style. So, it doesn’t appear as if he’s willing to move this forward.”

Really? Was that your first clue Mr. Kirby?

“You heard the president talk about this just a few days ago. Things can be unrealistic until all of sudden they are realistic, and that’s why our team is still engaged with Qatar, with Egypt, with the Israelis, to see if we can’t move it forward.”

That would be the Qatar that has been playing you for fools for years?

Stephanopoulos was worried about Israel’s “escalation” against Hezbollah, those peace- loving acolytes of the “religion of peace” that have fired some 8000 rockets into Israel since October 7Fear not; Kirby has a plan:

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“We believe that there are better ways to try to get those Israeli citizens back in their homes up in the north—and to keep those that are there [safe]—than a war, than an escalation, than opening up a second front there at that border with Lebanon against Hezbollah. We still believe that there can be time and space for a diplomatic solution here and that’s what we’re working on.”

Can Kirby and the rest of the Harris/Biden Administration truly be that dense? Are they utterly ignorant about the history, culture and written-in-blood desires of Israel’s enemies? Why do their dim-witted cries for cease fire and land for Hamas become more desperate as Israel comes ever closer to wiping out Hamas and as Israel has badly damaged Hezbollah in a brilliant display of intelligence and military might?  

And how can John Kirby, a former Admiral, a man supposedly highly educated in the art of war and the nature of America’s enemies, so willingly ignore reality?

Leftists reject reality and substitute their own, which leads to a defining question: if an enemy was firing thousands of rockets into America, would they save American lives, or would they “…believe that there can be time and space for a diplomatic solution here?”

That question, unanswered, is also on the ballot in November.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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