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LA fires become breeding ground for ‘climate change’ propaganda

LA fires become breeding ground for ‘climate change’ propaganda LA fires become breeding ground for ‘climate change’ propaganda

It has been obvious for a long time that the climate is and has always changed cyclically and naturally. So why do most journalists continue to repeat that humans and our use of natural resources is causing warming that is causing ice to melt, oceans to rise, more severe storms, droughts, floods and disastrous fires?

The only answer I can come up with is that they are just Democrats through and through. They will push whatever agenda Democrats are trying to force on the American people, no matter how unpopular or destructive they are. Facts and science clearly don’t matter.

It is the same reason they supported Obamacare, and didn’t really care that Obama and others continually lied about the bill, claiming it would allow people to keep their doctor and their plan, and that premiums would go down substantially. They didn’t care that Nancy Pelosi told Democrats to vote for it before they saw what was in it, because Democrats do as they are told. They still repeat the lie that Democrats have made health care more affordable even though prices have soared since it was passed.

It is the same reason they spread the lie for years, and conducted endless investigations, without evidence, that President Trump colluded with Russia and that is the reason he won in 2016.

It is the same reason they continue to lie that Joe Biden never did anything wrong in the family kickback business despite boatloads of evidence. They do not care about corruption or results, only power for Democrats.

But now, after decades of the public hearing the talking points about oil, natural resources, humans, and climate change, The Wall Street Journal has published a piece showing that all that “climate change” talk wasn’t exactly honest. From Breitbart News:

WSJ: California Fires Due to Bad Politics, Not Climate Change

Attempts to pin the catastrophic California wildfires on the bogeyman of ‘climate change’ are a deflection from the real culprits, the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote Monday.

For eco-lefties, ‘climate change explains wet and dry seasons, which follows the progressive line that climate change is responsible for every natural disaster except for perhaps earthquakes,’ the essay observes. ‘In today’s climate orthodoxy, bad weather is always man-made.’

The editors proceed to reproduce a chart from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment that shows precipitation in the state going back 130 or so years.

The chart does not show a trend but rather recurring wet and dry spells, with the latter being especially prevalent in the 1910s and 1920s ‘when carbon emissions were far less than they are today,’ the editors explain.

While climate is ever changing, ‘variable rain and snowfall patterns in California are to be expected,’ the editors write, and fires ‘will occur as a result.’

‘Rather than blame the climate for wildfires,’ they suggest, ‘the obligation of public officials should be to prepare for them and, when they inevitably occur, mitigate the damage.’

This is, of course, precisely what California’s political leaders have failed to do, and appear determined to keep doing.

Gavin Newsom’s newly introduced budget ‘skimps on wildfire prevention while boosting spending on Medicaid, green energy and payoffs to the teachers’ unions,’ the essay states.

Despite a revenue windfall, the proposed California state budget ‘cuts the CAL FIRE’s ‘resource management’ program by half from 2023 to $466.5 million,’ the op-ed reveals.

Three paragraphs in, this article destroys the progressive “climate change” theory and should destroy the destructive policies and agenda that go along with it.  A data-driven visual  showing that there is no trend over the last 130 years between the number of humans, amount of natural resources we use, the number of vehicles on the road, the amount of meat we eat, or anything else the green pushers say cause adverse weather should be enough, right? The climate in California, just like everywhere in the world is, and has always been, cyclical and natural.

So why haven’t news outlets, teachers, professors, politicians, bureaucrats, and others shown these graphics to the public proving that there is no relationship? Because facts and science don’t matter.

How many trillions have been shoved to green pushers, all wasted dollars based on talking points instead of science? How many businesses have been intentionally destroyed? How many underdeveloped countries have been destroyed?

Lawsuits against oil companies should be stopped. They should be thanked for the thousands of products we have that use oil, which have greatly improved our quality and length of life.

Thankfully, we now have a president with common sense who recognizes the green scam and will do everything he can to stop it. Sadly, most journalists, who are actually just Democrat campaign workers, will continue to push the green scam and continue their efforts to destroy Trump instead of doing their job to report facts.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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