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Let Them Eat Cake

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—It is “lessons learned” season for the political class, but recent anecdotes reflect the Left’s selective takeaways from the campaign and election of 2024.

— Former President Bill Clinton bemoans the advent of “zillions” of right-wing websites as a reason why the Harris-Walz ticket had such difficulties in reaching out to rural America.

— Donna Brazile insists (on Bill Maher’s show) that while the Democrats’ primary challenge remains poor communication, the voters still really do agree with the party’s platform.

— Bernie Sanders (again) criticizes the out-of-touch “economic elites” presently in charge of the Democrat Party because … they are not progressive enough.

—  The city council president in Erie, Pennsylvania, associates red-hatted supporters of President-elect Donald Trump with the KKK … and does not back down when confronted by the media and MAGA supporters.

— Actors Alec Baldwin and Sharon Stone deride American voters as “ignorant,” “uneducated,” and “uninformed” at an Italian film festival.

These and similar storylines are illustrative but certainly not new. Indeed, I still remember following a Democratic member of Congress on one of the cable networks (in the aftermath of the 2016 election) wherein he lamented Hillary Clinton’s hemorrhaging of working-class voters—after which he assured the audience that his party would continue to protect sanctuary cities…

Some will write off these tin-ear reactions to postelection frustration or simple hardheadedness, but there is something more profound going on here. To wit, this generation of Democrats is far too captive to progressive ideology for them to conduct a detached, deep-dive postmortem on why so many people who work with their hands, do not subscribe to The New York Times, and have never visited Martha’s Vineyard have become so turned off by woke values (some on the right diagnose it as a “mind virus”) and the progressive platform foisted on them these past four years.

Alas, there is another problem for the Democrats going forward that has far less to do with substance but far more to do with attitude. To wit: Flyover America has been paying attention and is now intimately familiar with the litany of “Let Them Eat Cake” Trump-era indictments that have spewed forth from members of the ruling class directed to the ways, means, tastes, and preferences of middle America.  (President Joe Biden’s “garbage” characterization of Trump voters and Mark Cuban’s weird but instructive charge that Trump lacks “strong, intelligent women” around him now joining Barack Obama’s “bitter clingers” and Hillary Clinton’s “irredeemable deplorables” in the Democrats’ Hall of Shame.)

This mean but persistent and tone-deaf attempt to defame half the country may go over well in front of the appropriate crowd (Harris’ advising two pro-life protesters to leave her rally and go to the smaller Trump rally down the street comes to mind) but remains a major obstacle to any serious attempt to recapture Democrats’ support within working-class America.

Phrased another way, when so many people tell you what they really think of you over an extended period of time … you should probably believe them. And now—to the dismay of millions of self-righteous progressives—it appears church/synagogue/mosque-attending, Walmart-consuming, Second Amendment-believing, woke-rejecting, blue-supporting America Firsters received the message loud and clear.

They voted accordingly.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

We publish a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Daily Signal.

This article was originally published at www.dailysignal.com


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