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More UN ‘peacekeeping’ hypocrisy – American Thinker

More UN 'peacekeeping' hypocrisy - American Thinker More UN 'peacekeeping' hypocrisy - American Thinker

Back in 1967, UN peacekeepers were stationed on the border between Egypt and Israel. In May of that year, Gamel Abdel Nasser, president of Egypt, mobilized the Egyptian army, closed the Straits of Tiran to Israel, and demanded the UN remove their peacekeeping forces. The UN complied and on June 5, 1967, the Six-Day War commenced, pitting tiny Israel against a coalition of Arab nations intent on destroying her. In other words, back in 1967, Nasser told the UN peacekeepers to “jump” and they responded “how high?”

Fast-forward to today and you find the UN Interim Force in Lebanon. UNIFIL has been in Lebanon for decades to protect peace on the southern border with Israel and support the Lebanese army. Under the very noses of UNIFIL and the Lebanese military, Hezb’allah has taken over southern Lebanon and has become a state within a state. With the aid of Iran, Hezb’allah has become very powerful. They have attacked Israel repeatedly and on October 8, 2023, they began launching a multitude of rockets into Israel in support of their Hamas ally. For the past year, thousands of Israeli citizens in northern Israel have had to abandon their homes while UN peacekeepers and the Lebanese military have done nothing.

Finally Israel had enough. They launched highly successful military strikes against Hezb’allah and entered into southern Lebanese territory and engaged the terrorists directly. Hezb’allah has been paying a heavy price, but many of them are finding refuge near UN peacekeeping troops and buildings. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has basically told UN peacekeepers that if you are not going to do your job and stand up to Hezb’allah terrorists, then at least get the hell out of the way. 

But the UN is emphatic that its peacekeeping forces will stay where they are in southern Lebanon despite their peril. Evidently the UN does not mind turning their peacekeepers into Hezb’allah human shields. And what a great opportunity to blame Israel for the loss of innocent lives! 

So Nasser orders UN peacekeepers to get out of his way so he can destroy Israel, and they comply. Netanyahu tells UN peacekeepers to remove themselves from battle-zones so he can destroy Hezb’allah terrorists, and they refuse. What hypocrisy.

UN ” height=”299″ src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/4t/4tiawk0djwjvolaenjcf_640.jpg” width=”450″ />

Image: UN 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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