They said it couldn’t be done! They said it couldn’t be done! Leave it to Netflix to change a much beloved coming-of-age story, Anne of Green Gables, written about 100 years ago, into modern political propaganda. The contemporary version, titled “Anne with an E”, is complete with a gay theme, love is love, I was born this way. (Actually, you weren’t, but that’s not what the elites in the media say, so I stand corrected, yes, you were born this way!) The scourge of institutionalized racism is rampant among the bigoted white people, except for the enlightened ones, of course, who are very few and far between. And worst of all, patriarchy!
Patriarchy! Patriarchy! Patriarchy!
Let’s face it. All men are evil and only feel like men when they enslave women by forcing them to bake cookies. “You know, I’m not sitting here – some little woman ‘standing by my man’ like Tammy Wynette,” in the words of Hillary Clinton.
Oh, how I wonder what Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of the original series, would have thought of this new, enlightened Netflix version of her classic stories? Tragically, though, L. M. Montgomery was part of an oppressed class of people who didn’t realize how oppressed they really were — which is the most diabolical form of oppression! Plus, Montgomery has been dead for more than 75 years, so she has no say in the matter.
About the only similarity between the original novels and the Netflix series is Anne’s fiery red hair. (Give it time and even this will be removed — for political reasons.)
Of course, this is not the only show on Netflix that is 100% political propaganda. In fact, every series on Netflix is 100% political propaganda. They are very subtle sometimes, but these shows are designed to slowly inculcate the viewer to accept progressist ideals. The goal of the progressivists and the elite media is to slowly wear down the public and convince us that we have no say, the elites are permanent, and so we must submit to their power no matter how repugnant this submission is.
However, elections, the vote, and the will of the people still have sway – despite what the executives at Netflix believe. The Trump administration needs to take a play from the playbook of the left. Netflix has hired DEI employees to ensure that progressive goals are met. Now the Trump administration needs to insist that Netflix hire FFA, Freedom for Americans, at Netflix.
It worked with Mark Zuckerberg. He has acknowledged, grudgingly of course, that the American people and the vote still matter.
But will Netflix do the same?
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This article was originally published at