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New study: Post-abortive mothers were completely ‘unprepared’ for abortion pill pain

New study: Post-abortive mothers were completely ‘unprepared’ for abortion pill pain New study: Post-abortive mothers were completely ‘unprepared’ for abortion pill pain

A new study released this week in the peer-reviewed BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health found that post-abortive mothers were completely “unprepared” for the intense pain of the abortion pill as they did not have a “realistic” understanding as to what the process actually entailed, and what their “pregnancy” really was. Here’s a summary, from the journal’s website:

Women opting for a medical abortion at home are often advised that the procedure is likely to be no more painful than period cramps, suggest the results of a survey, carried out by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), and published online in the journal BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.

This leaves many women unprepared for the intensity of the pain they experience, with some survey respondents saying they would have chosen a different option, had they known.

Now why might these women have been “unprepared” with unrealistic expectations? Well, because they’re completely ignorant, and that’s how the abortion industry likes them; not only is Big Abortion built on deception, it’s built on flat-out lies.

The drugs used for the “medical abortion at home” are mifepristone and misoprostol—the first is a synthetic steroid that blocks progesterone, or what is also known as the “pregnancy hormone,” which kills the baby by preventing nutrients from flowing from mother to child and eventually, the little one dies. But then, the mother’s body has to dispel her child’s, so she takes the second drug, a synthetic hormone, which induces labor. But induced labor is much more violent than natural labor (I’ve unfortunately been induced twice for both of my sons so I know the feeling well), and this is no doubt what women are totally not anticipating. It’s nothing like menstrual cramps, because you’re not shedding a uterine lining, but killing a baby and giving birth to his or her (relatively large) body (menstrual shedding is nothing compared to the mass of a ten-week old in-utero child), and anyone with any sort of education, information, or knowledge would know that.

The same abortion industry that fights informed consent laws with high-powered and unscrupulous lawyers…lied.

The same abortion lobby that calls a baby pregnancy tissue, a product of conception, or a clump of cells… lied.

The same abortion industry that carefully butchers children to keep organs and body parts intact for resale value…lied.

The same abortion industry staffed by demons who “gloat” about slitting a baby’s throat to be sure that if he’s born alive there’s no scream heard…lied.

Who could have seen the results of this study coming?

Years ago I read a story (I can’t remember where) about a young and very irresponsible woman who was a regular at the abortion mill. She was calloused, indifferent, and even cheery about the process. After what I believe was her ninth time in the abortionist’s stirrups, she asked if she could see “it.” The staff complied, and when she saw her little baby, torn into pieces, bloody, and dead, she had some sort of psychotic and mental breakdown, uncontrollably screaming at what she’d just done. The abortionist’s staff worried about what that would mean for waiting patients and if I remember correctly, she was hauled away in an ambulance.

baby in the wombPixabay” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/ut/utlyvud2wfij7yivxo63_640.JPG” />

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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