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Op-Ed: Harris and Walz will clone America into California | Opinion
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Op-Ed: Harris and Walz will clone America into California | Opinion

Op-Ed: Harris and Walz will clone America into California | Opinion Op-Ed: Harris and Walz will clone America into California | Opinion

“I believe in that old adage that as goes California, so goes the rest of the country.” – Kamala Harris

When Harris named Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her vice presidential nominee, the Democrats were thrilled since he looks like someone who’d be at home on a tractor, sporting a straw hat while tending to his crops. The left believes his facade will persuade moderate and middle-class voters to move left and support Democrats in November. But, the left is counting chickens before they hatch.

It wasn’t just happenstance that Harris chose progressive Walz as her right hand comrade to run with her in November. Waltz is not a low profile progressive whose name happened to pop up. During his first term as governor, Walz was constrained by a Republican majority in the Senate. But in his second term, the Minnesota state government turned far left, as solid blue as California.

Walz is very open about his views and as governor he has put them on auction. He has positioned himself as another Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont. He revealed his philosophy on last week’s “White Dudes for Harris” fundraiser call when he said, “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

It usually takes months to vet a potential candidate for a high office. But since Biden was forced to step down by the DNC just before their convention, they didn’t have time to fully investigate Waltz’s background. As questions about his past and his policies have been revealed by opponents and the media, Democrats have been working overtime to re-image and hawk Walz to moderate voters.

It has been said that people judge you by the company you keep. When Harris announced that she had chosen Waltz as her running mate, those who were most excited about her choice include the progressive “Squad” members Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman of New York. Socialist Bernie Sanders also immediately expressed his approval.

“To me socialism means that we must work to reform a system that is corrupt.” – Bernie Sanders

Everyone already knows that Harris hails from the progressive bastion of progressive California. As a U.S. senator she gained the reputation as the most liberal member of the Senate in her first term. Harris’ record speaks for itself. She cast the most tie-breaking votes in Senate history to green-light the Democrats’ most radical, inflationary priorities. Her votes led to trillions of dollars of runaway spending by Democrats and the confirmation of many radical activist progressive federal judges.

Since Walz was a last minute pick by Harris, the American people did not know much about his policies or his past. And the liberal media did not have time to run cover for him like they’ve done for Harris since she’s been in office. Legislation Waltz has signed into law rivals that in California.

“I believe in diversity and I think the legislation I have signed into law proves this.” – Tim Walz

The seeming schism in Walz’s progressive ideological history has become a subject of red-hot national political debate since it was revealed that he was Harris’s running mate.

Since Walz was elected, Minnesota allows abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy. Walz overturned a former “born alive” provision that offered protections for babies who survived an abortion.

Walz believes government is the answer. He thinks government should over-rule parents if it does not like decisions they make. He signed a trans-refuge bill to “protect children from their parents” who come to his state for gender-affirming care, like puberty blockers or sex-change surgery.

Walz signed a bill to provide K-12 students, regardless of need, free breakfast and lunch. It has cost millions of dollars and he raised taxes to finance it. Giving free stuff to everyone buys votes and increases dependence on government but it’s paid for by taxpayers, not the leftist politicians.

In typical progressive fashion, Walz signed legislation that requires menstrual products, such as tampons and sanitary napkins, to be provided in both boys’ and girls’ public school bathrooms.

“Gov Walz wants to insure all those who menstruate have access to period supplies.” – Lacey Gero

Walz has bucked the national trend of many other governors and continues to raise taxes to finance his many progressive programs. Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation said, “Gov. Walz’s tax record is notable because of how much it contrasts with broader national trends. Walz is rare among his peers, to dramatically increase taxes while other governors have championed tax cuts.”

In 2023, he passed a bill making illegal aliens living in the U.S. eligible for driver’s licenses. He proposed giving illegal aliens free health insurance from the state’s low-income insurance plan. Walz supports laws that forbid local law enforcement from informing federal authorities about the status of illegal aliens that they arrest.

Walz, like Harris, changes his policy support for survival. While he was in Congress, he represented a very conservative Minnesota district. He crossed the aisle many times and supported bills that his conservative constituents told him to pass. In fact, at one time GovTrack rated Walz the 12th most politically right member of the House Democratic Caucus. Of course that was then – and this is now.

Democrats claim Walz will “bring normality back to the chaotic political environment,” just as Harris and Biden once promised. But most people see Walz as anything but a return to normalcy. And the Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley contended that the Harris and Walz team will “make up the most radical, far-left, progressive presidential ticket in the history of our country.”

There are many reasons why people are leaving states like Minnesota and California, which rank in the bottom 10 for net migration. Blue state progressive governors are raising taxes to patronize the illegal aliens and identity groups, at the expense of services used by taxpayers. They are funding drug addicts and the homeless programs, which encourages more to come. Their insane climate laws and other Orwellian politics make living in a blue state impossible and the people want out.

If Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win the election and take control of the House and the Senate, in four years America will be a clone of California. With progressives running America, California will have unprecedented influence on the laws passed by Congress. As the first California Democrat to win the White House, Harris will charter policies that replicate California’s ideology for all America.

Harris’ positions are so extreme they make Orwell’s Big Brother look liberal. Harris is the biggest remake of a candidate in political history. And we’ll see the real Kamala Harris on Nov. 6.

“In our age, there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.” – George Orwell

This article was originally published at www.thecentersquare.com

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