“Democrats need to listen to their voters instead of listening to each other.” – Seth Moulton, D-Mass
Democrats are having a full-blown identity crisis for the first time in history and there is no way out.
California voters have the ability to recall an elected official as a result of Progressive Era reforms in 1911. The ballot initiative and recall were intended to reduce corruption and give more power to the people. Following a petition drive and collecting sufficient signatures, a special election is held.
This gives voters the ability to hold a politician’s feet to the fire if they are corrupt or incompetent.
The recall of Gov Gavin Newsom in 2021 was the fourth recall of a governor in U.S. history and the second in California. While Newsom survived the recall, in 2001, Gov Gray Davis was ousted for high taxation and blocking the enactment of Prop 187, which limited services to illegal aliens in the left coast state. Arnold Schwarzenegger “terminated” a pompous Gray Davis in that recall election.
Newsom, the most liberal governor in U.S. history, ran on an ultra progressive platform and won the hearts of progressives. Polling showed he had notable support for someone who refused to cross the aisle or support any legislation proposed by Republicans, or even his party moderates.
As debates raged last summer whether Joe Biden would abandon his reelection bid, Newsom’s stock soared with Democrats. Although he survived the 2021 recall for his wasteful spending, and refusing to report illegal alien criminals to Homeland Security, progressive America embraced him.
They even forgave Newsom for a year-long affair he had with the wife of his campaign manager, and the many questionable special interest laws he forced through California’s liberal legislature.
Traditionally the vice president is the next one up when a president leaves office. But after Kamala Harris’ miserable showing in her last presidential run, the DNC felt Harris could not win in 2024. But as calls for Biden to retire grew louder and discontent from the Black Caucus that Democrats were dumping a Black woman candidate, Harris replacing Biden became a legitimate reality.
“If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you will always have evil.” – Ralph Nadar
When the unpopular Harris was chosen to replace Biden last election, America realized the Democrats deserted the working class for identity groups and special interests. Now the left is divided on who is to blame and what to do about it since they’ve been dependent on these groups for years. How do they repair their tainted image without offending any of their gaggle of interlopers.
It looks like Democrats learned nothing from their catastrophic loss in the 2024 presidential race. Despite the left trying to convince America that Kamala Harris is the savior for their party, the November election is speaking for itself. With a highly “over-sold” and “over-promoted” progressive running with massive liberal capital, Harris lost all swing states.
When Harris was first anointed to replace Biden, it appeared she had a chance to win the oval office. She raised a billion dollars and had the endorsements of Beyoncé and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, and just about every bleeding heart liberal bought into her makeover by liberal media.
“Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself on it.” – Ben Franklin
Democrats campaigned for Harris in hiding, with sound bites and pictures of her giggling, while they glorified her counterfeit resume. She focused on attacking Donald Trump, but voters made it clear they were not going to be deterred by any blatant attacks. They only wanted a president who would improve America. As a result, voters bought Trump’s message and he defeated Harris dexterously.
Since Harris has never really had to campaign for office on personal merit, people wonder what she will do next? With Newsom termed out in 2026, the governor’s race is up for grabs. Although she has not officially announced her candidacy, progressives and the liberal media have already chosen Harris as the ideal replacement for ultra left progressive Newsom.
Political analyst Steve Swatt predicts, “Kamala Harris will run because polls indicate she is in a strong position to win the Governor’s race. An Emerson College poll found 57% of voters support Harris. Swatt added. “Harris could easily win since California has never had a woman Governor, and she checks all of the boxes.” At least one member of her strategy team says she will run.
Since Harris is a proven failure on the national stage and a heroin in progressive California, at this stage in her career, as a progressive, running again for president would be trading in a surefire victory in the most progressive state in America for an unconditional loss in a national election.
After four years of Trump’s free market capitalism, followed by four years of Biden’s progressive nirvana, voters ran back to Donald Trump’s America. Is the new progressive era fading away?
Bernie Sanders recently said on X : “The Democrats abandoned the working class because the working class abandoned them.” Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison fired back, “that is ultra BS!” Just like in 2016 when Democrats lost to Donald Trump, his return to the White House has fueled a raging debate between progressive and moderates where do they go next?
Democrats have a long way to go to retool their image. Since the election of Barack Obama, voters have elected a Republican twice for president and a pseudo centrist, Joe Biden. Voters, except in super blue California, Illinois and New York, have elected more Republicans each year. This can be verified at last year’s national GOP convention. The GOP is no longer as “white” as it use to be.
A large scale revolt against the nanny state progressives has been haunting Democrats for over a decade. Older voters see this as stopping socialism. Younger voters view it as a rebellion against the left’s catering to identity and special interest groups, giving nothing to them but a list of empty promises.
“I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama
There is no future for old school progressives like Kamala Harris in the national arena if Democrats want to win back the working class. After her pathetic showing in the last election, she is better off living her progressive dreams on the left coast in “la la land” where she doesn’t need to do much to survive. She has a 30-year history of just showing up to remain a popular player in California.
As long as Democrats allow progressives to drive their agenda far left, Americans will continue to move to the center right to protect their liberty and their opportunities in the free market.
“When caring for your neighbor becomes a governmental compulsory obligation instead of a voluntary charity, it turns into confiscation and freedom to achieve into involuntary servitude.” – Star Parker
This article was originally published at www.thecentersquare.com