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Op-Ed: The fiasco in Florida resulted in two decades of woke chaos | Opinion

Op-Ed: The fiasco in Florida resulted in two decades of woke chaos | Opinion Op-Ed: The fiasco in Florida resulted in two decades of woke chaos | Opinion

“I am Al Gore, and I used to be the next president of the United States of America.” – Al Gore

On Dec. 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ended a Florida vote recount in the presidential election contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore. The Court’s decision remains debated to this day with Democrats refusing to acknowledge George W. Bush’s victory over Al Gore.

On Nov. 8, 2000, a preliminary vote tally in Florida showed Bush leading Gore by 1,700 votes. With 25 electoral votes, the winner in Florida would become the next U.S. president.

By the end of the day, the tally was less than 0.5% difference. It triggered Florida’s automatic recount. Over the next weeks, Democrats and state officials fought over deadlines related to the recount, the need for deadline extensions and infamous counting of “hanging chads.”

On Nov. 26, 2000, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certified Bush won the election by a 537-vote margin. Gore then sued Harris because all of the recounts had not been completed when she certified the results. On Dec. 8, 2000, the Florida Supreme Court sided with Gore, ordering that all statewide “under-vote” ballots, or punch-card ballots, needed to be recounted.

Bush appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ordered the recount halted on Dec. 9. Under the safe harbor provision of  federal law (3 U.S. Code § 5), states must determine its electors six days before the Electoral College members meet. In 2000, that deadline was Dec. 12 and the arguments would be held on Dec. 11, giving the court one day to reach a decision.

On Dec. 12, 2000, the court issued a per curium decision to stop the recount. This one decision split the nation in half, which has made bipartisan governing impossible for decades.

This one election proved how much Democrats hate losing.

During the last few weeks, we have seen a lot of back-slapping, congratulating, bragging, and boasting from the right for a job well done Election Day 2024. This is well deserved celebrating by Team Trump and the GOP for a dynamic comeback against four years of progressive nightmares.

Many political scientists claim this last presidential election was simply an anomaly or a reaction by voters to the nanny state. But to be more myopic, if we look at the far left Democratic ticket, they showed progressives and socialists that they’ll move the party far left to bring out those voters.

“Although some of my positions have changed, my values are the same.” –Kamala Harris

Progressives also had their backs to the wall when Joe Biden initially dug in his heels and refused to bail out of the race. The Democrat beltway elites knew they had a problem. They were not prepared for this. Their number one option was a bad option, and everything else was worse. So they decided to go for the gusto, with an all-progressive-socialist ticket. They were stuck between a self-induced progressive and socialist wall of stone because they had been appealing to progressive and identity group causes for four years.

How could they jettison a Black-Indian woman from the ticket when they made her the queen of intersectional diversity, equity and inclusion ideology four years earlier? Already in trouble with Black voters, this would have been mass suicide for the Democrats if they had even tried this!

Barack Obama, billionaire donor George Soros,  former Attorney General Eric Holder and others knew there was too much at stake not to try and transform the most underwhelming and unpopular vice president in history into a credible standard-bearer before the Chicago Convention.

Besides Bernie Sanders’ scathing attack on the Democratic Party for not investing more money in attacking Donald Trump and the GOP, the left has been relatively quiet since the election. After all, the last four years of “woke” chaos in Washington was well worth a possible loss. Joe Biden’s basement bunker campaign and the cover-up of his diminishing capacity gave Democrats one term to accomplish an extraordinary amount for the party’s progressives and socialists.

Up until Election Day, the left had the media in attack mode. They had their pundits predicting a win for the left to discourage a red wave. They put on a facade they had the election in their pocket and it was theirs to lose. They were bubbling over with confidence with the continued Trump bashing.

They also knew they had invested heavily in Biden’s bunker campaign and it had paid dividends. It’s reasonable to suspect that Obama and company would squeeze as much out of Biden’s remaining term. Yes, winning would have been nice given the time they’ve spent vilifying Trump and the GOP, however advancing the party agenda is always much more important for the left.

Democrats have not only vilified Republicans successfully through their friends in the media and Big Tech, but they’ve also created a culture of fear among their own officials. How many moderate Democrats who believe the party has become too extreme have received a phone call or knock at the door with a threat? How many have been told they’d never receive another dime of funding if they vote for a Republican bill? The party has created a culture of fear among their own leaders.

This culture within the Democratic Party that few outsiders truly understand is clearly rooted in the kamikaze approach of driving the entire nation to the left. It is rooted in an intolerance so strong that it forces formerly rational members of Congress to oppose commonsense legislation.

Considering the gains progressives made in just four years under Biden and Harris, they did well for the party. And don’t be deluded that they will not be busy playing obstructionist to all of Trump’s policies. They made life miserable for Republicans for 24 years since the fiasco in Florida.

Republicans shouldn’t forget that glory is fleeting. They need to get past their party squabbles and start singing Kumbaya. Democrats will strike back with a vengeance if Trump doesn’t deliver on tax reform, free speech, border security and global stability. And if they can keep Republicans off guard, with in-party skirmishing by the midterms, they’d derail team Trump, then we could have Florida all over again. Democrats depend on disunity and chaos to leverage their political control.

“If I were a liberal Democrat, people would say I’m the super genius of all time. The super genius of all time. If you’re a conservative Republican, you’ve got to fight for your very life. It’s really an amazing thing.” – Donald Trump

This article was originally published at www.thecentersquare.com


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