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Peel Back The Lies, And It’s Clear Kamala Harris Is A Pretty Bad Person

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In the weeks since she was anointed the Democratic nominee, the media seems to have convinced the American people that Kamala Harris is just a quirky wine aunt. She’s fun, she’s cool, she’s “joyful” — just hop on board and you too can share in the joy!

How did they convince the American people to not believe their lying eyes?

The Daily Caller’s latest documentary, “Cleaning Up Kamala,” exposes the complex web of lies the media used to build a hero out of a villain. Once the veil is removed, it becomes clear that Kamala Harris is not a very good person at all.

“Cleaning Up Kamala” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.

Amber Athey, Washington editor for The Spectator, is just one of the political insiders the Daily Caller’s investigative team sat down with to deconstruct all the tricks the media used to clean up Kamala.

“It’s quite evident,” Athey explains, “that what connects all of these stories is that Kamala Harris doesn’t seem to have much respect for human life.”

You can say that again.

The media wants you to think that Harris was never the “border czar.” At the same time, they want you to think she did a great job at the border. Meanwhile, her record leading the administration’s border efforts reveals countless lives lost, trafficked and destroyed.

The media also wants you to think Harris will be a tough-on-crime president while remaining compassionate to criminals and mindful of the need for justice reform. She’s a cop and social worker at the same time! Yet no one wants to talk about the exculpatory evidence she ignored in hundreds of cases as California Attorney General until a federal judge forced her to.

And while the media might admit that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, they’ll put more focus on blaming Donald Trump than they will Harris’ own comments about being the “last person in the room” prior to President Joe Biden’s decision. They certainly don’t want to talk about the American lives lost as a result of this decision.

These are just a few examples, but it’s enough to paint a pretty clear picture. Harris isn’t brimming with light, joy and happiness, but abject cynicism — where a human life only matters to the extent it can serve her politically.

And yet, she’s up in the polls. A new Morning Consult poll after the debate now shows her a whopping six points in the lead, while she hovers at a two point advantage in the RealClear polling average.

How are Americans falling for this?

It’s not a matter of the media simply lying. Calling Harris cool and fun and joyful is not enough — no matter how much they do it. It’s not even a matter of repeating the same false stories over and over again. The media employs lies of a far grander nature, piecing together little half-truths into a sweeping false narrative that often turns the truth on its head entirely.

They’ll fact-check something Trump never said about Harris in order to call him a liar. Or they’ll contort Harris’ own words to make it seem as though she stands for the opposite of what she actually said. They’ll play with tenses and selectively edit context, all to support a new “truth.” The media, fact-checkers, government groups and even the dictionary — they’re all in on it! By the time you speak the truth — that Kamala Harris is shrill, incompetent and dangerously radical with little respect for human life — you’re the one who comes off sounding like a liar.

Watch “Cleaning Up Kamala” today to learn more about all the “semantic backdoors” the media used to construct the biggest glow-up of all time.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Cleaning Up Kamala,” and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com

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