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Protecting and defending children from radical gender ideology

Protecting and defending children from radical gender ideology Protecting and defending children from radical gender ideology

Last week, people took to the streets of Washington to fight to protect their children from the toxicity of gender ideology. Standing at the steps of the building where some of the country’s most important legal decisions have been argued, a crowd gathered as the Supreme Court heard arguments for United States v. Skrmetti. This case will decide whether a Tennessee law banning transgender medical procedures for children under 18 violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Many mothers gathered at the Supreme Court steps to protest the heinous acts of transgender surgeries on children so young. It’s a profoundly passionate battle for them and one they refuse to surrender. They realize the high stakes of the ideological struggle, despite what should seem as simple, common sense that young children should not be allowed to receive permanent surgeries that could alter their genders, harming them for the rest of their lives.

Yet, society has been corrupted by a radical gender ideology movement that prioritizes normalizing transgender transitions at the expense of normalcy and common sense to protect innocent children. However, these mothers refuse to back down and heroically defy this toxic cultural movement and have vowed to do everything in their power to eradicate it to the ash heaps of history.

The issue hit home with Jamie Hinkle, one of the mothers in attendance, because she has three daughters. She couldn’t imagine living in a world where someone told her children they were born in the wrong bodies. It’s absurd even to think that some academic, doctor, or educated professional could spread such a dangerous suggestion. Yet, this is the world in which we live today. Hinkle knows this, which is why she attended the Stop the Harm Rally last week.

“I stand with those parents, physicians, detransitoners, advocates, and elected representatives brave enough to call out the lies of so-called ‘gender-affirming care,” Hinkle told me. “I have three daughters. I would never tell them they were born in the wrong body. I stood with moms from six states, heartbroken and angry, hearing the stories of men and women who have experienced unimaginable pain and betrayal. Yet, I left empowered by their bravery.

“We will not stay silent while children are harmed by irreversible treatments and surgeries,” Hinkle said.

Merianne Jensen, another mother who attended the rally, was adamantly opposed to the harm these radical ideologies are causing children. Standing on the steps of the Supreme Court on a frigid day in December to fight this ideological and cultural war was vital to her. Her sense of purpose and bravery were admirable. And like so many others in attendance that day, Jensen was also inspired to be there because of her children.

“The rally today was incredible, with so many courageous speakers addressing the harm transgender ideology is causing to our children,” Jensen told me last week. “Several brave women who detransitioned shared their personal experiences and regrets, offering powerful and deeply moving testimony. I was proud to be there, standing alongside surgeons, detransitioners, and parental rights advocates who are tirelessly fighting this issue.

“As one of the many mothers in attendance, I was deeply inspired by the strong presence of other parents, all united in our commitment to protecting our children from this dangerous social contagion,” Jensen added. “I have two daughters, and I will do whatever it takes to shield them from this harmful ideology.”

“Overall, the rally was a powerful display of unity and determination,” Jensen said. “We will not stop until every child is protected and awareness of this issue continues to grow.”

The group Moms for Liberty has been pivotal in bringing awareness to this societal plague. Its members have diligently worked to educate communities on what is going on in their schools and the overall horrors regarding the transgender movement and radical gender ideology. Through statements at board meetings, demonstrations, speeches, summits, and every possible way to exercise their right to free speech in the country, Moms for Liberty has been an omnipresent force in protecting today’s children from the aggressors of gender ideology. Last week’s rally was no different. Both Hinkle and Jensen are leaders in the organization. So, too, is Kit Hart.

“Moms for Liberty members from Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, and South Dakota joined hundreds of parents from around the country to rally to ‘Stop the Harm’ of child gender transition procedures,” Hart told me. “While oral arguments were heard during the monumental United States v. Skrmetti case in the Supreme Court, our members heard from doctors, politicians, and activists all dedicated to standing up for children.”

Yet, the fight is not over.


Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules, the struggle will continue to eradicate the country of this rogue and menacing sociocultural pollution. The gender ideology agitators will continue to push their agenda and harmful practices on society. And when they do, the guardians and protectors who showed up at the Supreme Court on a cold December morning will convene again and continue their efforts.

“The price of liberty,” Hinkle said, “eternal vigilance.”

This article was originally published at www.washingtonexaminer.com

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