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Riley Gaines Shows Support For High School Girls Volleyball Team After They Refused To Play Against Trans Athlete
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Riley Gaines Shows Support For High School Girls Volleyball Team After They Refused To Play Against Trans Athlete

Riley Gaines Shows Support For High School Girls Volleyball Team After They Refused To Play Against Trans Athlete Riley Gaines Shows Support For High School Girls Volleyball Team After They Refused To Play Against Trans Athlete

Shoutout to Stone Ridge!

Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swimming champion and now a women’s sports activist, showed support for the Stone Ridge Christian High School (California) girls volleyball team by holding a rally, doing so after the squad made the decision to forfeit a postseason game out of refusal to play a transgender athlete.

Located in Merced, California, Stone Ridge Christian High School forfeited a match in the Northern California Division 6 tournament. They were set to take on San Francisco Waldorf High School in November, but decided not to play them due to having a biological male identifying as a girl on the roster. (RELATED: Transgender Golfer Hailey Davidson Makes Completely Asinine Statement Regarding LPGA’s Gender-Eligibility Rule)

In a statement, Stone Ridge officials cited their Christianity for being the reason they forfeited, and that they “have a duty and responsibility to care for the health and safety of our athletes. So, after consulting with our students, coaches, and staff, we have made the difficult decision to forfeit Saturday’s game. Standing for Biblical truth means more than the outcome of a game.”

In a show of support for the girls volleyball team, Gaines held a rally Dec. 4 and gave praise to the squad for not playing against the transgender opponent. She also spoke about her own journey of having to compete against a biological male.

“We knew having a man undressing next to us in the locker room, standing at six foot four, we knew that was wrong,” said Gaines. “We knew the silencing that we were facing from our universities, our institutions, how really, they effectively silenced us, muzzled us. We knew all of that was wrong. But none of us, including myself, had the courage that these girls on this court today had.”

Save women’s sports!

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com


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