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ROOKE: Taylor Swift Accidentally Admits She Doesn’t Care About Her Fans

ROOKE: Taylor Swift Accidentally Admits She Doesn’t Care About Her Fans ROOKE: Taylor Swift Accidentally Admits She Doesn’t Care About Her Fans

In the world of celebrity endorsements, nothing is less shocking than Taylor Swift supporting a Democrat for president.

For years, Swift has made it perfectly clear that she embraces radical ideologies and that her values align with the far-left wing of the Democrat party. Still, supporting Vice President Kamala Harris exposes her in a way her 2020 endorsement of President Joe Biden didn’t.

There was so much chaos going on in America during the 2020 election with the fear-mongering around the COVID pandemic, protests against pandemic restrictions and racial riots destroying cities that it was hard for some voters to see through the fog. One could understand and even sympathize with someone who voted for Biden in 2020 and the possible change he’d bring to a society seemingly burning down (ROOKE: ABC Moderator Straight Up Admits They Had To Tip The Scales Against Trump)

But a lot has changed in the last four years. The fog has lifted, and these voters see an even worse world. Swift’s endorsement of Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, is unthinkable. It reveals to her many fans that while she plays the part of a loving pop icon who adores her fans, the reality is that she doesn’t care about them — not one bit.

Swift endorsed the Democratic duo because they support “rights and causes” she believes in, including “LGBT rights.” How nice it must be for Swift that as a straight, white, billionaire woman, her biggest issues are things she’ll never actually be affected by. The Biden-Harris economy certainly isn’t affecting her.

Swift isn’t starting the first day of school in second-hand clothes, on an empty stomach and with no school supplies. She didn’t stay up all night to eavesdrop on her parents’ discussions about how they would afford rent, utilities and food this month.

Swift has never and will never live in economic hardship. She is forever immune from caring about where the next meal will come from or how she will support her growing family (that is if she ever decides to become a mother). But her fans do.

Millions of her fans are struggling or watching their parents worry about how to provide a prosperous life for their family. Still, these issues are so far from her mind. What drives her to vote is wanting our country to continue to codify mental illness by promoting transgender ideology and ensuring there are no restrictions to women murdering their babies. (Biden, CNN Revive Desperate Tactic To Help Kamala Win Election)

It’s too bad for her fans because they will have to live with the consequences of her supporting so-called “transgender issues.” While her teenage fans are being groomed into an ideology that preys on their insecurities and tells them to ignore their fears of having men in their private spaces, Swift gets to have bodyguards wherever she goes and soothsayers propping up her sense of self.

As a self-proclaimed feminist, how dare she support an ideology that tells confused girls they need surgeries and hormones to feel better about themselves. If she cared about women’s rights, she’d be on the side of the girls who want to compete in sports without men. She’d be rallying around the girls who have been assaulted by trans-identifying men who gained access to female spaces through a perverse and evil ideology.

The fact that Swift has decided to support Harris is a personal choice. Everyone has the right to vote, depending on their values. But when you are a celebrity as big as Taylor Swift, and your primary audience is teenage girls, you have a responsibility to them. Her public support of Harris is an open admission that the economic devastation our country has experienced these last four years and the pain transgender ideology has caused American families means nothing to her. She simply doesn’t care.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com

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