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Showdown in Aleppo – American Thinker

Showdown in Aleppo - American Thinker Showdown in Aleppo - American Thinker

Most of us didn’t even notice the fall of Aleppo, a Syrian city that is both strategic and historic.

This is the “domino effect” in action. Principal sponsors of Syria’s Assad dynasty have been Russia (for about 60 years), Iran (for about 45 years) and Hezb’allah. All three have recently been spending enormous resources, fighting and dying against enemies outside Syria. So Aleppo, which Assad’s forces recaptured from ISIS (at great cost) eight years ago, has fallen once more, to a tiny terrorist group that few people outside the Middle East have even heard about: Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Every nation and faction mentioned so far is on the wrong side of history. They’re all going to lose in the long run. But they think they’re going to win. Most of them even think Allah is on their side.

One of the best things about facing an Axis of Evil is that they have a strong tendency to turn against one another. The most famous example in history is Hitler turning against Stalin in 1941.

Just 21 months earlier, they’d been the best of friends: carving up Poland in a lightning campaign and then, under a secret protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, carving up the rest of Eastern Europe into “spheres of influence.”

If they’d stuck together, there’s little doubt they would have conquered the world. Now we see nations and factions fighting each other in Syria for years that, if they’d united from the start, could have created enormous problems for Israel.

From Israel’s perspective, the fall of Aleppo is cause for celebration. Both sides in the Syrian Civil War hate Israel passionately. But Russia is being bled dry in the Ukraine War, Iran faces the Israeli Air Force, and Hezb’allah (until the recent cease-fire) was being ground to hamburger by the Israeli army.

A combination of exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, air strikes, and assassinations by Israeli forces has been fiendishly clever and effective. The entire leadership of Hamas, Hezb’allah, and its sponsor (the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps) has been virtually wiped out, starting many years earlier with Trump eliminating IRGC commander Qassem Soleimani.

Thus the Syrian army had to face HTS alone. As a researcher on Syria Navvar Şaban told Daily Wire: “Though there were [Syrian] regime forces located in Aleppo, they were not trained, they lacked military discipline, they lacked tactics and even their retreat plan was a disaster.”

Think of it as a chessboard. The cumulative result is that Israel’s position continues to improve, and Israel’s many friends around the world have more and more to celebrate this holiday season.

The Hitler/Stalin alliance and betrayal in 1939-41 ended with a stalemate for the Good Guys in 1945. The Nazis had been completely destroyed. Hitler was dead. The Soviet Union — scraping the bottom of its resource barrel due to four years of brutal war, and with most of the Good Guys’ armies and air forces in place along its new frontier — was unable to follow through on Stalin’s plan to expand even farther into Western Europe.

The fall of Aleppo signals that Israel will achieve at least a stalemate on the current chessboard.

As part of its campaign to screw everything up in its final weeks in power, the Democratic Party Deep State has slow-walked aid to Israel, trying to force Israel into a cease-fire in Gaza. By pinning Iran’s knight (Hezb’allah) on this chessboard with a 60-day ceasefire — expiring six days after Trump is sworn in — Israel can now capture Iran’s queen (Hamas).

Anyone thinking the 60-day ceasefire length is a coincidence should be reminded of the key line from V for Vendetta: “There are no coincidences, my dear Delia. There is only the illusion of coincidence.”

By the ceasefire’s end, Hamas will be history. Trump, hopefully, will spend the ceasefire’s final days airlifting ammo to Israel, for a February offensive to destroy Hezb’allah.

Jim Davis is an IT specialist and paralegal, working for a well-connected Democratic Party law firm in Chicago. He lives far out in the suburbs: far enough to avoid being sucked into the whirling cesspool of corruption, but close enough to smell the stench when the wind blows in off Lake Michigan. You can find him as RealProfessor219 on Rumble.

Pexels/Ahmed akacha” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/mi/mi8hbgyfjdlp6wr8mt3j_640.jpg” width=”450″ />

Image: Pexels/Ahmed akacha 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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