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The Secret Service and election interference

The Secret Service and election interference The Secret Service and election interference

What’s the venerable saying? Once is happenstance, twice, coincidence, but three times is enemy action? Where the Secret Service (SS) is concerned, once just might be enough to qualify as enemy action. The only real question is not the identity of the enemy, but which enemy is the worst and most dangerous threat not to “our democracy, but to our constitutional, representative republic.

What’s the difference? Isn’t our republic a democracy, or am I just playing at meaningless semantics? By “our democracy”—Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) avoid saying “our republic” like vampires shrink from sunlight—D/s/cs mean, but never say, a tyranny of the majority. In our republic, the majority—50.00001%–can’t deprive the minority of their fundamental rights, little things like free speech, due process, property, their lives. In “our democracy,” they can, which is the point and why D/s/cs strive never to speak that awful, insurrectionist, deplorable “republic” word.

In “our democracy,” the SS has been revealed, by its own inaction/action, to be either the most determinedly incompetent protection agency on the planet or the most determined to create or ignore security vulnerabilities assassins can exploit to kill Donald Trump, a former POTUS and arguably the front runner to be POTUS again. 

Can they possibly be that incompetent?

At the first attempt, there was a perfect storm of apparent incompetence, not just one SS agent making a dangerous mistake, but virtually all of them, top to bottom, making mistake after mistake allowing a 20-year-old to fire eight shots, one piercing Trump’s ear, coming within inches of killing him, while killing one bystander and seriously injuring two others. In the second attempt, a lone SS agent, apparently acting on his own, outside any coherent plan or protocol, spotted the assassin, emptied his weapon at him from ten feet without hitting him, and was apparently unable to vault a low fence to pursue him. Without the help of a smart, random bystander, the assassin would have escaped.

This despite the SS knowing there had been one oh-so-close assassination attempt, and despite knowing there were multiple Iranian operatives in the country actively trying to kill Trump. We are told after the first attempt, Trump was given the same level of protection as fast-fading President Biden. If true, it’s a wonder any POTUS has survived to date.

Now we learn the SS is “protecting” Trump by keeping him from campaigning in battleground states like Wisconsin:

Author” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/rm/rmpqd07lsu1bgfaydaaw_640.jpg” />

Graphic: JoshHawley Screenshot

So. The Deep State hasn’t been able to jail Trump just yet, but they’re “protecting” him by keeping him from campaigning where he most needs to campaign. Just in case that’s not enough, they’re also hedging their election fraud bets.

This raises some rather obvious questions, such as:

Author” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/nw/nwb1qp1wkpru6a1s99vs_640.jpg” />

Graphic: X Screenshot

All the important people have told us there is no such thing as election fraud—what gives?

Why does virtually all election fraud benefit D/s/cs?

Why do the dead always vote for D/s/cs?

If merely doing what presidential candidates do is too dangerous, why is it only too dangerous for Trump, and not for Kamala Harris?

Since we know Iranian agents, and coincidentally, domestic D/s/c contributors and acolytes are trying to kill Trump, why isn’t every government agency like the DHS, CIA and FBI devoting every resource to ending those threats so Trump can campaign as effectively as possible?

OK, OK. You got me. I know the FBI is overwhelmed with the important work of protecting Americans from the deadly threats of parents showing up at school board meetings, as well as protecting us from “radical, traditional Catholics,” people who aren’t trying to assassinate anyone. Mea culpa. 

Ooops! Sorry about that. It’s those radical traditional Catholics who like Latin. Not me, no sir.

It’s not as though the Deep State is trying to shut Americans, and Donald Trump, up…uh, actually, yes it is, as John Kerry, AKA Lurch, never the sharpest knife in the drawer, recently said the quiet part out loud:  

The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It’s really hard to govern today. You can’t — the referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn’t a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle. 

By “building consensus” Kerry means “shut up or we’ll jail or assassinate you.” Hillary Clinton agrees. 

Thus far, Donald Trump, who tells us they’re really after us, and he’s just in the way, isn’t taking the hint. Should they succeed in silencing him, one wonders if Americans will take the hint of “our democracy” or will they insist on the republic?

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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