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The White Privilege Album hits the Woke hard

The White Privilege Album hits the Woke hard The White Privilege Album hits the Woke hard

The woke movement has been and remains a blight on society. They perpetuate lies, corrupt historical facts, and excel at applying labels to anyone that dares raise their voice against them. Shrouded in self-righteous rage and coddled in a cloak made from their participation ribbons, they sow chaos, destroy culture, and are a plague on humanity. And those are their positive traits. Against this backdrop, author A.J. Rice has written The White Privilege Album. It is a collection of cleverly interwoven stories, each short, punchy, and biting. Much like his first book, The Woking Deadhe goes to the root causes and arguments of the leftist woke movement and dismantles them individually with cunning and crisp prose. Each section is short, with little in the way of fluff. He takes on a broad spectrum of subjects, ranging from sports, to history, to the realities of movements such as BLM and Antifa. Serving up these topics in short segments propels the reader through the manuscript at a fast pace. If you are looking for some soft non-fiction work that explores the woke from a holistic perspective, this book isn’t for you. Rice uses words the way a pirate wields a cutlass, slashing and brutally cutting into the woke, their methods, and most importantly, the lies they tell themselves and the rest of society. He doesn’t mince words, but uses them to dismantle this twisted cultural phenomena. 

This is a stunningly well-researched book, backed with the appropriate footnotes. You don’t need the references, because the narrative presents the information in a logical yet hilarious format. There were times when reading this tome I was enraged with anger, which were followed with moments of out-loud laughter. It is rare that the book that covers such a controversial topic is able to be both entertaining, fun to read, yet deadly accurate. This is a tightrope that A.J. Rice masters. As the former producer of The Laura Ingraham Show you would expect nothing less.

The topics in this book cover the full spectrum of society. From Madison’s Montpelier becoming a race reeducation camp to how critical race theory is in itself racist. The chapter that I personally enjoyed was his dispelling the lies the mainstream media and Democrats created around the horrific events at Charlottesville

This is the kind of book that you slip under a liberal’s door, fully knowing that it will give him a brain aneurysm once he reads it.  Rice understands his conservative audience and gives them less of what they want, and more of what they need. He’s unabashed and devoid of any fear of offending the criminal left, which only adds to the enjoyment factor of the book. 

Where I struggled is where this book belongs in terms of genre. It is definitely a political book, but there is enough snarky, backhanded, and well-crafted humor to make this book stand out as a humorous text.  It is funny the way that Greg Gutfeld’s show on Fox News makes you laugh; by being witty, bold, and painfully accurate. 

If you are sick and tired of the self-proclaimed social justice warriors and wokesters, this is a book I highly recommend. Straight out of awesome — The White Privilege Album is what could be; unburdened by what has been the absolute disaster that the woke have unleashed on society. 

Blaine Pardoe is a New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author canceled by one of his publishers in 2022. He is a regular contributor to a number of conservative sites. His conservative political thriller series, Blue Dawn, includes A Most Uncivil WarConfederacy of FearNo Greater Tyranny, and, Patrons of Terror. This series tells the story of the violent overthrow of the government by radical progressives. He also authors the bestselling military science fiction series, Land&Sea.

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Image: Post Hill Press

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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