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There’s Only One Reason The Media Will Go After A Democrat

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The media spent years making Kamala Harris the fall guy. That was back when she was disposable, when her only job was to shield Joe Biden. But with Biden chucked out like yesterday’s trash, Harris has become the new indispensable figure.

The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Cleaning Up Kamala,” exposes the lengths the media has gone to rebrand Harris as Savior of the Republic. We prove just how cynical they are: the only time they’ll go after a Democrat is to protect another Democrat.

“Cleaning Up Kamala” is available exclusively for Patriots subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.

Harris might be the media’s White Knight today, but only a few short months ago it was Biden who was untouchable. You couldn’t find a media figure who’d dare say he’s too old to serve, no matter how many times he stumbled, gaffed or wandered off. No one would say he was dangerously incompetent, even as Americans died needlessly in Afghanistan and the Southern border all but evaporated. And of course, the fact-checkers pretended he didn’t exist as he lobbed explosive lies and demagoguery at all his political opponents.

Harris served one purpose: to draw fire away from any potential scandal. Her individual political career didn’t matter, she only mattered to the extent she served the Party’s interests. And the Party’s interests were served by consolidating around a single, infallible figure. As such, Harris had no shortage of haters.

Throughout most of the Biden administration, everyone agreed: Kamala just wasn’t very good at this. Her favorability rating hovered consistently deep underwater, and the media felt no pressure to make anyone like her. They spent years reporting on the revolving door of staffers she allegedly abused and, with failure after failure, her utter inability to “make the case for herself.” This time last year, multiple voices in the mainstream press were even calling on Biden to ditch her for a more marketable veep.

Now, however, the very same people tell us that Harris is as clean as the driven snow. She’s perfect. She’s joyful. She’s the bringer of light and hope. Today, she’s the untouchable one.

What changed?

She is now the Party’s last best hope at consolidating power. Biding her time, taking the hits — it all paid off. Now, every conniving little creature in the Party knows they must subordinate their interests to hers if they hope to stay in power.

Take this hilarious fact check the Daily Caller’s investigative team dug up:

Kamala Harris oversaw a police department that was “abusing people’s rights” and that she did not “disclose to defense attorneys” when there was exculpatory evidence: “She didn’t do that, she never did it. And so, what happened? Along came a federal judge and said enough, enough and he freed 1,000 of those people.”

PoltiFact stunningly rated this claim “mostly true” — and it in fact is. But this was in the Before Times. It was none other than Joe Biden who made this claim, all the way in 2019. And back then, they sure as hell weren’t going to call him a liar.

Now, if some Republican had said this, PolitiFact easily could have done what they usually do and covered for Harris and the Party. But since Biden said, it was Harris who had to fall on her sword.

Today, however, that’s all changed. Harris is the perfect candidate when it comes to criminal justice. “As a prosecutor, Harris mixed criminal justice reform with tough-on-crime approach,” claims a Reuters news piece. She can look out for “vulnerable populations” and “reform the system” all while keeping “law-and-order” according to NPR. When it comes to crime, she’s in step with the “national mood,” writes The New York Times.

She’s a cop, but also a social worker; she’s compassionate, but stern; a hardened conservative, but a well-meaning liberal. Don’t expect to hear about that inconvenient PolitiFact claim ever again. The media isn’t just twisting themselves in knots to protect The Precious, they’re completely reversing themselves.

Watch “Cleaning Up Kamala” today to learn all the ways the media have manufactured their perfect candidate.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Cleaning Up Kamala,”  and to help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com


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