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Tim Walz deconstructs Minnesota education

Tim Walz deconstructs Minnesota education Tim Walz deconstructs Minnesota education

Any professional, competent teacher will affirm their most precious commodity is class time.  Circa October, 2024, there are innumerable drains on that commodity. Mandatory, high stakes testing consumes an enormous amount of each school year, despite the evasions of educrats whose jobs depend upon on claiming teaching to the test is entirely unnecessary. They lie. Assemblies by outside groups, pep rallies, and increasingly, government woke mandates take destructive amounts of class time.

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Graphic: X Screenshot

In the Minnesota of Governor Tampon Tim Walz, the law requires “ethnic studies” be a part of every class in every grade in Minnesota. The indoctrination begins in kindergarten. To accomplish this, Walz appointed one Brian Lozenski, a professor and board member of the “Education for Liberation Network.” Their mission statement:

The Education for Liberation Network is a national coalition of teachers, community activists, researchers, youth and parents who believe a good education should teach people—particularly low-income youth and youth of color—how to understand and challenge the injustices their communities face. The network aims to help improve the practice of education for liberation by bringing people together to learn from each other’s experiences. The network provides a space for members to share knowledge and work together to create tools for liberatory education. By building alliances that cross the boundaries of geography, occupation and age we hope to nurture communities of thoughtful, socially-engaged people and to maximize the impact of their work.


Author” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/3j/3jpcvsknvlpujvng5mth_640.jpg” />

Graphic: Brian Lozensky, you tube screenshot

It’s no surprise Lozenski has pushed this anti-American, communist/Islamist ideology—the essence of “liberation”– in Arizona and California before Walz made him Minnesota’s education liberation czar. But surely Lozenski can’t be that bad? No. He’s worse: 

Given the devastating impact of Israeli colonialism on the lives of people across the Arab region, Palestine is a central issue for Arab students; studying Israeli settler colonialism in comparison to US settler colonialism is illuminating for all students, and at the heart of the discipline of Ethnic Studies.

Translation: “ethic studies” requires everyone hate Israel and America, the only sources of world “settler colonialism.” It’s rather difficult for the Jews to have colonized Israel since they’ve lived there continuously since circa 2000 BC. Arabs, following Islamic conquests, occupied the land beginning at about 634 AD.

If Lozenski’s hatred for America isn’t sufficiently clear, there’s more, much more:

The first tenet of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation-state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with, it must be overthrown, right. And so we can’t be like, “Oh no, critical race theory [CRT] is just about telling our stories and divers[ity].” It’s not about that. It’s about overthrow. It’s insurgent. And we, we need to be, I think, more honest with that. … You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S. Okay, it is an anti-state theory that says, The United States needs to be deconstructed, period.

Minnesota’s children, with the enthusiastic approval of Tim Walz, a man who honeymooned in Communist China in 1994, and who “visited” the country some 30 times, will be learning, by law, in every class, Americans are evil racists who can’t be reformed. CRT is holy writ, and America must be abolished, it must be “deconstructed.” Children will be indoctrinated, in the manner of Palestinian children taught to hate and murder from birth, to hate themselves, their parents, their neighbors and their country. “Minnesota nice” indeed.

Lozenski’s, a college professor, most noteworthy academic work was a 2022 book My Emancipation Don’t Fit Your Equation: Critical Enactments of Black Education in the US. The same year Lozenski posted a You Tube video on the book, but doubtless in response to growing public interest in Lozenski and his Minnesota mandates, it has been scrubbed:

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Graphic: you tube screenshot

That video too called for the overthrow of America. The video, and book, also call for “black Marxism,” “black nationalism” and “the black radical tradition.”  Lozenski is, of course, black.  Minnesota’s Lozenski-mandated education standards also attack “racial capitalism” and “fugitivity.” Since the US is irredeemably racist, and capitalist, “racial capitalism” must be destroyed. Lozenski defines “fugitivity” as breaking the law, norms, the very American culture. It delegitimizes the American system and culture and builds in children disrespect for the law.

Add to the innumerable drains on classroom time, virulently anti-American, anti-white, anti-civilization indoctrination. Slammed with such evil every day, in every class, Minnesota will inevitably become the hotbed of revolutionary hatred, far surpassing the efforts of other revolutionary, blue cities and states.

Tim Walz may not be a Manchurian Candidate, though much suggests that probability. But his appointment of Lozenski to dominate Minnesota education, to derange future generations and turn them against their culture, parents, schools, state and nation should tell Americans everything they need to know about Tim Walz and Kamala Harris.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com

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