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True Blue American Patriot Kid Rock Gets Epic Kill On Hunting Trip — Look At The Size Of This Buck!

True Blue American Patriot Kid Rock Gets Epic Kill On Hunting Trip — Look At The Size Of This Buck! True Blue American Patriot Kid Rock Gets Epic Kill On Hunting Trip — Look At The Size Of This Buck!

Kid Rock says he’s an American bad ass … He’s right.

Legendary music artist and true blue American patriot Kid Rock (real name Bob Ritchie) recently went on a hunting trip in Mississippi with “Yellowstone” actor Cole Hanser, and my man walked away with an epic deer kill — just wait until you see the size of this whitetail buck!

Both Rock and Hanser are seen in a photo posing with the animal from what appears to be a deer farm. Still though, this is some pretty cool stuff. (RELATED: Floyd Mayweather Gets Attacked By Antisemitic Mob Over His Support For Israel: REPORT)

If you know Kid Rock, you already know he’s a big hunter, so it’s not the most shocking news in the world that he bagged a giant buck like this. Kid has consistently shown off his hunting kills over the years, including a whitetail that he claimed in Tennessee just recently. Hell, back in 2015, the guy even had an elite mountain lion kill!

Epic stuff, and this just adds to Rock‘s hunting legacy:

I’m more into fishing than I am hunting, but I can appreciate a good kill like this. I personally want to go safari hunting in Africa one day.

The problem with that, however, is this would be my luck:

… maybe I’ll pass.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com


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