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Trump 2.0’s Team – American Thinker

Trump 2.0's Team - American Thinker Trump 2.0's Team - American Thinker

There is an old joke that goes as follows:

What do you call a place full of immoral, sleazy, selfish opportunists, hypocrites, flatterers, chameleons, backstabbers, and cowards?

The answer: Washington D.C.

The jokes, alas, reflect the truth about the swamp dwellers. These individuals lavish blandishments to the face and slam brickbats when the back is turned. They prostrate themselves before power and feed off the powerful like parasites. When the heat is felt around the corner, their colors change, and the benefactor is attacked and abandoned.

Here are examples of these undesirables.

The first is CNN analyst and ‘activist’ Van Jones.

President Trump revealed that Jones and some black leaders approached him about the passage of criminal justice legislation. Their plea moved Trump, causing him to persuade GOP leaders in Congress, who were opposed to the idea, to pass the First Step Act. This meant leniency in federal criminal and sentencing laws, and reforming federal prisons.

This was historic for African Americans, yet Trump and the GOP received little credit for it. Ideally, the black leaders and Jones should have endorsed Trump and campaigned for him. Instead, Jones continued calling Trump a dictator and a bigot.

Jones and others probably didn’t want to be ostracized by the liberal ecosystem for citing facts about Trump. Yet they don’t hesitate to seek favors from Trump in time of need. Jones branded Trump’s recent victory as a nightmare.

The lesson to learn is: haters can never be won over.

Also, Trump must not implement what is beyond the MAGA agenda, especially when those benefitting spend their waking hours demonizing the movement.

Next — the swamp dwellers.

We focus on Senator Lindsay Graham. When the Russia Collusion hoax hung like a sword over the Trump administration, Graham said all the right things during hearings and on Fox News. But never did he act against the perpetrator.

The ravenous warmonger that Graham is, he always tried to persuade Trump to enter pointless conflicts. In her book, Off the Record, Trump’s former Director of Oval Office Operations Madeleine Westerhout revealed that Graham would turn up at odd hours requesting a meeting with Trump and Trump would oblige him.

Trump’s endorsement enabled Graham to be reelected in 2020.

However following the January 6th protest, Graham was among the first to attack Trump. He blamed Trump for the ‘insurrection’ and pompously declared “Enough is enough.”

Ideally, Graham should have reminded all that Trump urged supporters to protest peacefully. Graham allegedly told police to shoot January 6 protestors who entered the Capitol building. When President Trump rightly pledged to pardon January 6th protesters who have been baselessly persecuted, Graham viciously slammed the idea.

Now that Trump has won, he’s again pretending to be an ally.

The next is Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the UN under Trump. At the end of her tenure, Haley lauded and thanked Trump. But like Graham, she capitulated following the January 6th protests and claimed Trump let everyone down.

AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://images.americanthinker.com/ku/kuqfxjzwtjy8o9jxxunt_640.jpg” width=”450″ />In 2021, Haley claimed that she wouldn’t run for President in 2024 if Trump ran. But Haley ran against President Trump anyway. When she lost the primaries, she didn’t endorse Trump, the way other losers such as DeSantis, Ramaswamy, etc. did. This violated the pledge during the primaries to endorse the winner. An endorsement is important since it signals supporters to align themselves with the winner. 

A week before the election, Hailey slammed Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally, claiming that the “bromance and this masculinity stuff” makes women uncomfortable” and is “not the way to win women.”

Following Trump’s victory Hailey was complimentary.

The chameleons who despise the MAGA agenda but join the winning team to further their career must be blocked. This also applies to those lacking in courage.

We look at Jeff Sessions, an early Trump supporter and based on his record a good man. As attorney general,  Sessions recused himself from the investigations into the Russian collusion hoax, including the Mueller probe. Perhaps Sessions was intimidated by the intensity of the anti-Trump storm and hoped his recusal would placate the haters. Perhaps he thought it conflict of interest, since he had interacted with Russian officials during the campaign. This would work only if the Mueller probe was a well-intentioned exercise. But the probe’s goal was not to investigate but to build a perception of Trump’s guilt, retard the implementation of the agenda and affect the mid-terms in 2018.  

Mueller’s team was populated exclusively by Trump haters. 

Following the ‘probe’, Trump’s allies were subjected to raids and imprisonment. It was the first step of abuse of power to hurt Trump.

Sessions didn’t have to be involved in the investigation but he should have monitored the activities. His recusal is one of the reasons the Democrats were able to wreak havoc during the first two years of the Trump Presidency.

William Barr, despite not being a MAGA believer, did much better. He closely monitored the Mueller probe and brought it to its conclusion while giving Trump a clean chit, despite Democrat opposition.

It is not just Graham, Sessions, or Haley. There have been other Trump appointees who have been utter disappointments. Rush Limbaugh frequently expressed befuddlement at the quality of appointees.

This doesn’t mean Trump should surround himself with sycophants. But there’s a difference between one who disagrees on principle and a backstabber.

During Trump’s first term, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was often the sole dissenting GOP senator for any spending bill. But his opposition was on principle. He wants the government to be fiscally responsible.

Having differing ideas is essential, but they must be true believers of the MAGA Agenda.

Apt cabinet appointments are as essential as Trump’s victory. Trump needs trusted lieutenants to fearlessly implement his agenda.

We know that the Democrats did all they could to block the Trump agenda from 2017 to 2021.

Based on the messages from Democrats following Trump’s victory, that opposition is likely to be worse. The establishment will send saboteurs who masquerade as allies to infiltrate the Trump White House inner circle and stop the MAGA agenda from being implemented. There will be disinformation campaigns. The State machinery will be used to target Trump and his allies. There will be violence on the streets. This will be an anti-Trump tsunami.

To stand against this enormous tide, Trump’s team members need to be fearless warriors, not those who will shudder and cower in fear when they hear the sound of thunder. 

It’s essential that the vetting of cabinet members is meticulous and involves the examination of the individual’s past. The saboteurs, the opportunists, hypocrites, flatterers, chameleons, backstabbers,  and cowards must be abandoned.

The good news is Trump has abandoned Haley.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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