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Video Shows Massive Buck Attacking Family’s Dog

Video Shows Massive Buck Attacking Family’s Dog Video Shows Massive Buck Attacking Family’s Dog

“Holy sh*t” is the first thing that comes to mind.

The time between the end of fall and beginning of winter, known as “the rut,” is deer mating season. With the increased testosterone from males (bucks), Colorado Parks and Wildlife have received multiple reports of deer attacking dogs in recent weeks. One incident like this took place at the backyard of a Castle Pines family and the entire attack was caught on video.

Tamar Peister had a hard time watching the footage of her 4-year-old Bernese Mountain dog, Luke, getting attacked by not just a deer, but a massive buck.

“I don’t like it with the sound on. It’s absolutely terrifying,” said Peister.

The attack on Luke happened Nov. 30 when all of a sudden Peister saw a huge buck in her backyard. (RELATED: True Blue American Patriot Kid Rock Gets Epic Kill On Hunting Trip — Look At The Size Of This Buck!)

“I was filming the buck, and then Luke went out to go to the bathroom and ran down towards the backyard, and the buck immediately charged him,” said Peister.

After the attack, the deer remained in the family’s backyard for hours. While inside the house, the family noticed that their dog was bleeding and quickly took him to a veterinarian.


Poor puppy. But luckily, he lived. This could’ve easily been so much worse.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com


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