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We Really Wish Amtrak Never Connected Miami To Chicago

Did you ever wish your flight from Chicago to Miami took 15 times longer?!

Me neither.

But for those who do, Amtrak has just the thing for you!

Amtrak’s new “Floridian” line will get you from the blue stronghold of Chiraq to sunny, free Miami in just over 46 hours. It’s for those who’d rather take the scenic route through Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Raleigh and several other cities than board a zippy, three-hour flight. Don’t forget the stop in D.C., in case you were hoping to get mugged! (RELATED: Amtrak Trains Keep Breaking Down Despite Massive Injection Of Taxpayer Cash)

At $113 per ticket, it’s still cheaper than even the most bare-bones budget flight. But that’s for just a single seat, so you can enjoy cramping up for two days straight. A private cabin — really the only humane way to do this — will run you over $1,000.

To employ an overused meme, this is quite literally the future liberals want. They want you to train everywhere out of some misplaced moralistic environmentalism and a strange fetishization of the Europeans. They promise a bright future of rail travel. Yet their high-speed rail projects, that could potentially prove efficient, invariably get mired in their own bureaucratic traps and linger as endless money pits that never get off the ground.

Meanwhile, the urban lib romanticization of “sophisticated Europeans” vs. “dumb hick Americans” overlooks the fact that Europe uses trains for a reason: They work. The geographically smaller and far denser EU countries are well-suited to rail travel, while America’s sprawling plains and endless suburbs are not. That won’t stop smug liberals from dunking on their fellow Americans, however.

So what we wind up with is the Floridian: a wildly expensive, tediously inefficient boondoggle that’s all but sure to fail.

This article was originally published at dailycaller.com


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