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We’re all racist and sexist

We're all racist and sexist We're all racist and sexist

No less an authority than Rev. Al Sharpton has informed us anyone, and particularly black and Hispanic men, who did not vote for Kamala Harris is racist and misogynistic. Barack and Michelle Obama also informed us women, particularly black women, have a genetic obligation to vote for any other woman, particularly if they’re an insanely cackling sort-of black woman whose immutable beliefs are, well, mutable. 

White guys, the scourge of the Earth, are irredeemably racist and sexist. It’s genetic, like not being able to jump, so when they refuse to vote for a woman or a black/Indian something, that’s them just being them. It’s not a betrayal of one’s race, nationality, gender, or brutha or sistah hood. I mean, what can one expect of such hopeless garbage?

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Pity the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party. They had no choice but to give Harris the nomination. She didn’t win a single D/s/c primary vote, but hey, there was precedence! She didn’t win a single primary vote in 2019 either. For a party that abandoned any pretense of ethics for identity politics, Harris was inevitable: a woman, an Indian/black woman (dependent on the date and political climate) and a minority woman—did I mention “woman?”–able to produce various faux-ethnic accents. Sure, she couldn’t speak coherently, cackled madly and there were a great many male politicians who would have done much, much better, but they were men, and white, and one was a Jew. D/s/cs are also the enthusiastic party of antisemitism, so it had to be Harris.

There was one serious problem: circa 2024, Americans were no longer willing, at least not in the numbers of the past, to mindlessly obey people impoverishing and insulting them.

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Unquestionably, more Americans than ever before voted their lived experience, which D/s/cs should have appreciated—they’re all about “lived experience” and “my truth”–but didn’t. Unable to afford gas, food, energy in general, new cars, new homes, pretty much any necessity of life, party loyalty no longer much mattered. Unchecked immigration, governmental incompetence and abuse, the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and pretty much every other federal agency crossed over from “not my problem,” to “holy s**t! When did that happen, and when are they coming for me?” As Hemingway said of bankruptcy, that truckload of incompetence and oppression came down on Americans gradually, then suddenly. Accompanied by serial lies and insults, it was finally too much.

For sane American women, the universal sisterhood argument fell flat, because they know women. Some are good, most you can at least get along with, and many are awful, embodying the worst aspects of womanhood. They know fake, emasculating, insecure and vicious. They know women who sleep their way to the top. They knew Kamala Harris, and even race—whichever one she was claiming to be at the moment—no longer mattered. Many Black women flatly said: “she’s not black,” and her fake accents were concrete proof.

Black and Hispanic men likewise weren’t impressed. They, just like white guys, would vote for a woman like Margaret Thatcher regardless of her race, but Kamala Harris was no Margaret Thatcher. They were, and are, more than secure enough in their manhood and their American identities, to reject Harris because they examined her record—that took seconds–and what few beliefs she was willing to sort of state and realized she would be a fundamentally transformational disaster.

Like white guys, they work with people of all gender and races. They have female friends, spouses, mothers, daughters and relatives. They love and care for them, and get steamed when political hacks far beyond their sell-by dates like Sharpton and the Obamas hector and insult them. They even understand that kind of race baiting and division damages their country, and when those hacks accuse them of being divisive and hateful, it’s an electoral landslide.

Men know women too, and they know when you look in the dictionary under “awful woman,” there is found Kamala Harris’ photo.

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By the 2024 campaign, the race card, the sexist card, all the “phobe” cards, all the “ists,” all the predictable, tired insults had been played so often, they were such blatant examples of projection, they lost their power on all but deranged Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers. Pity them; TDS is terminal.

Even worse, most Americans finally realized just because someone can play basketball, sing, or they’re famous for being famous doesn’t mean they know anything about politics, care about Normal Americans or America. It turns out people who don’t have to worry about inflation or a weaponized state security apparatus aren’t influential to people who do.

Donald Trump was a known quantity. Kamala Harris was a known unknown quantity. The rest was inevitable and America is the better for it.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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