These parents should feel absolutely embarrassed!
Let’s take a trip up (or down depending where you’re at) to Fargo, North Dakota, a city that’s currently got mad hype within the hockey realm. And that’s because of what popped off Saturday when parents at a youth game started pushing each other after the fact, with the scene even including a man and woman exchanging shoves.
With March almost here, it’s clear that the long season is finally taking a toll on people, especially with the playoffs right around the corner. With parents in particular, not only are there hockey dreams to achieve, but there’s been a ton of money spent on those dreams in the process. And that stress is starting to show with flying colors. (RELATED: Sabres Broadcaster Pulls Hilarious Move After Getting Popped In Face With Puck, Becomes Absolute Legend In The Process)
With that being said though, that’s absolutely NO excuse to get into shoving matches and act like complete idiots. And that’s especially the case when children are watching the whole thing being influenced by their ignorance.
Just check out what happened at the Fargo Coliseum.
It’s 100% acceptable for hockey players to get into fights. For parents, it’s the complete opposite, totally unnecessary.
And what’s up with all of these women trying to get into physical brawls with men nowadays?
I swear, every time I write about a fight or see one online somewhere, there’s always a woman in the mix throwing slobberknockers at men.
Ish is so cringe.
This article was originally published at