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Will ‘our democracy’ prevail? – American Thinker

Will 'our democracy' prevail? - American Thinker Will 'our democracy' prevail? - American Thinker

With the election only days away, it may be helpful to revisit one of the primary issues separating Democrats/socialist/communists (D/s/cs) and Normal Americans, which term encompasses not only Republicans but all Americans who revere the Constitution and the rule of law. There may yet be a few Democrats in that category.

D/s/cs almost exclusively refer to our political system as “our democracy.”  Not “democracy” but “our democracy.” They virtually never use the correct term: “representative republic.” That’s in part because when they do, they begin to smoke and hiss like vampires exposed to sunlight. They hate the Constitution, America and most Americans, and want to do away with all three. Here’s Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution:  

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. [emphasis mine]

Note the three guarantees: a republican—not as in “Republican Party—form of government, collective protection against invasion, and when asked by the states protection against “domestic violence.” Think constitutional, representative government with free, honest elections, secure borders and keeping D/s/c militants like Antifa, BLM and criminals in general from doing things like “the Summer of Love,” or shoplifting and looting America into societal breakdown. Notice too D/s/cs are absolutely determined to ensure Americans can’t depend on those constitutional guarantees (Article IV, Section 4 is commonly known as the guarantee clause).

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Graphic: Twitter Screenshot

The Harris/Biden Administration has thrown open our borders. Kamala Harris said violent Antia and BLM rioters shouldn’t stop, and supported a bail fund to get the few arrested out of jail. Despite claiming to be a super prosecutor, she has done all she can to allow criminals, and particularly illegal alien criminals, to run rampant and face no consequences for their crimes, including rape and murder. Worse, they’re advocating for “our democracy.” As I explained in June of 2024, that’s a tyranny of the majority. 

That’s why they’re desperate to enshrine election fraud in practice and law. In “our democracy” 50.00001% of the electorate rules and may deprive Americans of liberty, property, even life.

Our constitutional, representative republic guarantees individual liberty, property rights, due process, domestic tranquility and national security and sovereignty. Americans have unalienable, individual rights which no majority can revoke. That’s the purpose of the Bill of Rights. It’s little known many of the Founders opposed a written Bill of Rights, fearing future politicians would argue those were the onlyrights Americans had, but others prevailed, and the Constitution was ratified in 1788 with the understanding a bill of rights, ratified in 1790, would soon follow. 

Fortunately, “our democracy” remains unrealized. That’s why D/s/cs are so desperate to keep our elections as open to fraud as possible, why they’re determined to nullify the First Amendment, and particularly the Second Amendment, which is the greatest danger to them, because it secures the rest of the Bill of Rights and the entire Constitution. You can’t have “our democracy” if Deplorables are able to resist with force, particularly if they know how to apply it.

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Graphic: X Screenshot

“Our democracy” also allows a POTUS to be senile, in fact, it’s a virtual requirement. That way unelected, faceless bureaucrats, billionaires and even foreign enemies can run the country through a meat puppet. A republican form of government doesn’t allow that. Like the Marxist “dictatorship of the proletariat,” “our democracy” is necessary in fact only until D/s/c, through an invincible one-party state, render elections utterly meaningless. Just like communist tyrannies, they’ll still have elections and still claim to be a democracy. They’ll probably even keep referring to their tyranny of the majority as “our democracy,” but whichever maximum leader is pretending to campaign will garner 99% or more of the vote for as many terms as they please.

The Constitution will still exist as fading ink on yellowing parchment, but its provisions, particularly the Bill of Rights, will be mere guidelines and riddled with unwritten exceptions. The First Amendment will not protect “hate speech”—opposition to tyranny– and there will be a plethora of other exceptions convenient to D/s/cs. The Second Amendment will be immediately ruled, by the entirely leftist and packed Supreme Court, to allow arms only for government, and the rest will similarly fall when convenient.

On November 5, or however many days and weeks beyond that are conjured up, we’ll decide whether our constitutional, representative republic will prevail, or whether it will be replaced with “our democracy.” If it’s the latter, America, and our sacred, God-given liberties, will exist in name only.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

This article was originally published at www.americanthinker.com


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